Monday, November 12, 2007

Hydrohephalumps - or "A Creative Way To Get A Headache"

I have had blogs for a few years but have not used them to talk about my health nor the condition that affects almost every part of my life. I have decided to change that policy because later this month I will speaking at "Hydrocephalus Rally Day" in the Capital Rotunda in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Hydrocephalus (or hydrohephalumps, as my youngest daughter jestingly calls it) is a condition that affects over a million people in the United States and costs over one billion dollars to treat - by very conservative estimates. To give you a very simple description of hydrocephalus, it is the increase of pressure within the cranium caused by fluid build up around the brain. It can be caused by injury, malformation of the brain, cysts, tumors, and other situations that cause fluid to rapidly enter the brain or cause the impingement of the routes that allow fluid to flow out of the brain. It can be present in fetuses or occur in elderly people without warning. In fact, many people previously diagnosed with "old age" symptoms of memory loss, dementia, imbalance and incontinence are now being diagnosed with hydrocephalus.

How Do You Treat Hydrocephalus?

It has only been within the last 50 years that an effective and reliable form of treatment using a procedure called "shunting" has become widely used. You can read about the history of hydrocephalus and its treatments on "Medscape." This shunting technique has become highly sophisticated, but still uses many of the same principles developed by its inventors. Before the latter half of the 20th century, the prognosis for someone with hydrocephalus was not good, especially for someone born with the condition. In those cases, the child and sometimes the mother did not survive birth. If the child did survive, he/she was most likely brain damaged and died within months after birth. Today, with the help of shunts, many people with hydrocephalus are living happy and productive lives. However, a very large number of people who receive shunts still have a shortened life span and need additional surgeries, medications, valve adjustments and other medical treatments for hydrocephalus throughout their lives. There is still a great need for further research into the condition, its causes and how to treat it.

If you know someone with hydrocephalus or who has a loved one with the condition, there are now places that they can go for support and to obtain more information about the condition, its treatment and even find the names of medical professionals who specialize in the treatment of hydrocephalus. I recommend beginning with the Hydrocephalus Association. They have plenty of helpful information and resources.

More About Me

I was born with hydrocephalus in 1964. However, this was not determined until a complete history was taken after I had a CAT scan in the year 2000. From prior medical records and other historical information, the doctors were able to determine that I was in fact born with hydrocephalus. My mother almost died giving birth to me. Considering the incredible circumference of my head at the time, this is not surprising. What is surprising, perhaps even miraculous, is that both of us survived. In fact, somehow, even with severe headaches, misdiagnosis of ear pain as infections, misdiagnosis of swelled tonsils as tonsillitis, numerous serious falls because of imbalance, inability to focus my attention and memorize effectively, and being called a "slow learner," I still graduated from high school, won multiple awards in my musical endeavors, held jobs until symptoms became too severe in the year 2000, and have a family of my own. It took 4 more years of worsening symptoms, after my diagnosis of hydrocephalus, until I finally received my first, second, and third shunts at the age of 40 in 2004. Because of my symptoms, I was declared disabled in 2000. Although I have been feeling much better in the past year, I have not been able to find an employer who is able or willing to hire me because of the flexibility in scheduling and sick time that I require. I still suffer debilitating headaches, memory loss and balance problems from time to time, especially if a quick moving storm front moves through the area or if I do not sleep well causing my Intracranial Pressure (ICP) to change. Still, to be here, to experience life, to watch my children grow up - these things make every difficulty worthwhile.

Feeling better has also allowed me to once again enjoy performing. Although extremely frustrating for myself and the director while I was learning my lines, I played the lead role in a community theater production of "The Drunkard," a musical by Barry Manilow. Memorizing the lines was incredibly difficult, but I did it. We put on 6 performances of the show which was well received by the audiences.

The greatest and most rewarding benefit of feeling better is being able to participate in the lives of my wife and children. I had been both physically and mentally absent for a few years due to the pain and other symptoms related to my hydrocephalus. Although the sadness that I feel for having not been a better father to my older children is almost too much to bear at times, I am trying to find ways to re-enter their lives and become a real father to them now. It is difficult to know how to approach them because during the "ramp up" of my symptoms, their mother and I got divorced. We are all testing the waters and trying to find a way to better relationships with each other.

Well, I think that I have run long enough with this post, but I will post again on these subjects. By the way, I spoke at a Hydrocephalus Awareness Rally Day press conference recently to promote the passage of a resolution within the Pennsylvania Legislature to name November as "Hydrocephalus Awareness Month." You can view my "speech," below.

Don't Feel Like Blogging

For some reason which I have not yet identified, I have not felt like blogging for a while now. So, until I am in the mood to begin again, I am simply going to post links to articles and other items of interest.

Until the blogging fever strikes again, take good care...

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres and Her Producers Should Be Sued

I usually enjoy Ms. DeGeneres' show when I have the opportunity to see it. However, she is completely wrong in the case of this "Iggy" situation. Let's look at the facts:

  • Ms. DeGeneres signed a contract when she took receipt of the dog from the private animal rescue agency, "Mutts and Moms."
  • The contract stated that Ms. DeGeneres agreed to return the dog to the agency if Ms. DeGeneres was not able to continue caring for the dog.
  • Ms. DeGeneres admits that the dog did not get along with her cats and that she could no longer allow the situation to continue, thereby triggering the stipulation in the contract requiring Ms. DeGeneres to return the dog to the agency.
  • Instead of returning the dog, Ms. DeGeneres gave the dog to her hairstylist's family in violation of the contract with "Mutts and Moms."
  • In accordance with the contract, "Mutts and Moms" had the dog returned to the agency.
  • Ms. DeGeneres used her show as a means to defame "Mutts and Moms" and humiliate its owners.

What Ms. DeGeneres did was inexcusable. She broke a contract and then used her show as a conduit to coerce the other party to back down and made statements that made the other party appear to be unfair and uncaring. The other party in the contract simply followed through on the terms of the contract. I hope that "Mutts and Moms" decides to sue, and I hope they win big. Celebrities do not have the right to use their status to cause harm to others. Yes, they should have freedom of speech, but their freedom of speech ends where it causes harm to another person. Ms. DeGeneres and her show have certainly caused harm to "Mutts and Moms" and its owners.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

ORU Professors Spilling the Beans

All I can say is, "It's about time..." Three former Oral Roberts University professors are blowing the whistle (the reason for which they were terminated) about illegal and immoral actions on the part of Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts and his wife, Lindsay. It has been suspected by many people both inside and outside of ORU's circle of influence that there have been improprieties on the part of Richard Roberts and his family. Now, thanks to evidence found on Lindsay Roberts' laptop computer, light is being shed on many misdeeds by the Roberts family.

Unfortunately, the Roberts are not alone. Many well-known evangelists and politicians in recent years have been making Christianity look like a circus. It has reached a point that some Christians have been hoping to coin another name for followers of Jesus. However, several groups have recently formed to oppose to the antics of those who are attempting to hi-jack Christianity to promote their own personal causes, whether it be war, financial gain, popularity, political advantage, etc.

I think it is time once again to rid the temple of the moneychangers, whores, and charlatans and reclaim it for its true purpose, to worship and honor God. I would offer this word of warning to any Christian or anyone else observing the actions of these so-called leaders. If you hear someone in a position of religious, political or economic power speaking about their Christianity to a group who could further advance their power, be very cautious about their motives.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jennifer Griffin - ? Are You Out There?

This post is simply to say a big "hello" to Jennifer Griffin, a friend of mine from "music camp" at Central Oak Heights in Milton, Pennsylvania. I wanted to let her know that the cool needlepoint "Music is the universal language..." that she created for me way back then is still in a prominent place in my home. It has followed me everywhere, and I just want to tell you how very much it has meant to me over the years. I was looking at it again today and thought that I should try to send out a "thank you." I hope that you are happy and healthy. God Bless You!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blackwater Policy: Shoot First - Count Bodies Later

The founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince, would have us believe that they are acting in the best interest of the United States when they have no accountability to the military, the U.S. criminal justice system, nor the Iraqi government. Complete and utter Bull Dung. There is no way that you can put a bunch of gun toting, gung ho, ex-military personnel in a position where they have no accountability to any court system and not have problems. In fact, there have been warnings from several Defense Department staff about what would happen if we allowed private security firms to be deployed in Iraq. They predicted the abuses that have occurred. They told us that they lack of accountability would be to the detriment of Iraqi civilians. It's all coming true, and it will only get worse if our government does not act now to stop it. Blackwater represents no one and is accountable to no one. They should be contracted by no one.

Monday, October 01, 2007

This Should NEVER Happen In America

I welcome you once again to the United Fascist States of America. Today's example that we are living in a fascist state: A woman dies in the custody of our amazingly trustworthy and competent airline security personnel. The woman became irate when she was not allowed to board a plane because she was late in arriving. The security personnel then handcuffed her and placed her in a holding cell. Nobody knows what happened next. Apparently, no one was keeping an eye on her. All that is known is that she was found unresponsive and somehow "tangled" in her handcuffs. I have several questions. If the woman was so irate that she needed to be handcuffed, did anyone ask her if she was on medication? Did anyone check her person for medication or illicit drugs? Did anyone consider that perhaps she needed medical or psychiatric attention? Was any immediate family member contacted? I understand the need to keep an irate passenger away from others for her safety and the safety of others. However, when this happens, you can't just put her in cuffs, toss her in a cell and forget about her. She may be in need of help, thereby explaining her distress. Airline security is under-trained to put it simply.

Another Typical Cop Story

I am really getting sick of hearing these stories of cops who both on and off duty being abusive. In this CNN story, a Chicago cop goes to Iowa to celebrate his brother's birthday, gets drunk, goes to the house of someone who was at the party for the sole intent of harassing the guy, and knocks him out. Now the cop claims that he was wrongly convicted. WWAHHH!!! WAH! Am I supposed to feel sorry for this cop because he MIGHT lose his job? Not a chance. He went to the victim's house! He harassed the victim! Then he knocked the victim out. These things are happening every day in this country and cops are usually getting away with it. It's time for accountability. The longer we allow those in power to abuse it, the worse the abuse will become until eventually we are a nation of slaves.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

And They Call Themselves A "Church of Jesus Christ"?

I just read a story by Paul Foy of the Associated Press about a statement released by a ranking Mormon official that expressed "profound regret" over a massacre of 120 people crossing Utah in an attempt to reach California back in 1857. However, the church leadership was quick to point out that they were not "apologizing" - only expressing "profound regret" that some church members were involved in the massacre. Well, "isn't that special?" - as the SNL "church lady" would say. Mormons call themselves "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints." Jesus? Saints? huh? where? HOW? ONE HUNDRED FIFTY FREAKING YEARS have passed, and the leadership of this so-called "church" cannot bring itself to APOLOGIZE for the church's part in the slaying of 120 INNOCENT, UNARMED people 150 years ago!! This is as bad as the Catholics not apologizing for the Crusades. Who is the Jesus that these people are following? Really - I want to know, because it certainly cannot be the Jesus born among farm animals in Bethlehem and raised as a carpenter's son in Nazareth. It cannot be that Jesus. It cannot be the Jesus who spoke the words, "love your neighbor as yourself" and "what you do to the least of these, my brothers, you do to me." They cannot possibly claim to be following that Jesus. THAT JESUS must be weeping at the words and behavior of these so-called "church leaders." Surely the harsh words that Jesus spoke to the Jewish leaders of His time must be coming from His lips once again.

"But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned." - Matthew 12: 36-37

Monday, September 10, 2007

I'll Say It Again, Putin Is Dangerous

Putin is proving me right. In my July 16 post "Russia More Dangerous Under Putin..." I stated that Putin is proving himself to be a despot. He has decided to give us more evidence. In this AP video report, we are told that Russian bombers armed with nuclear warheads are again patrolling the oceans. In fact, British fighter jets had to turn away one of the bombers as it approached Britain's airspace. The patrols bring the bombers to within striking distance of the U.S. In addition, Russia is participating in peaceful "war games" with China. All of this poses a huge risk for the free world. Have we heard even a "peep" from GWB? No. Putin is GWB's kind of guy. 

The Forgotten Soldiers

As we hear the daily news from Iraq, many of us pay attention to number of soldiers killed in a recent attack. However, most of us ignore the other number - the number of wounded. This war is creating an epidemic. As of this date, September 10, 2007, the Pentagon has reported 27,767 soldiers wounded in Iraq. However, some experts believe that this number is low because it may not include those soldiers who are sent back into the field after recovering from an injury. These experts have estimated the actual number of wounded to be anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000. Still, if we accept the Pentagon's official count, it is certainly not negligible. These are soldiers who need extended medical treatment and rehabilitation. Many are not able to hold jobs after returning to civilian life. According to a recent AP article, thousands of soldiers have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and 20% of them will suffer "prolonged or lifelong symptoms and need continuing care." The article focuses only on that one type of injury - TBI. There are thousands more who have lost vision, hearing, use of limbs, etc. also facing the same need for continuing care. Does Bush care? No. The funding under his administration and the former Republican controlled Congress allowed horrendous conditions to exist in our Veterans Hospitals and rehabilitation centers. Things are improving, but the deficit created by GWB and company is monstrous and will take decades to correct. Of course, that is assuming that Americans are intelligent enough not to put another war-mongering puppet into the White House. And that is a big assumption to make.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

George Will - Out Of Touch With Reality

I just viewed this video:

It does not seem to matter how many of the facts hit George Will in the face. He still cannot understand their meaning. The only people doing better under George W. Bush are the wealthy, and not the regular top 25% of Americans, but the very top 5%. But Will remains "willfully" blind, saying that we have a healthy economy. Wrong. The "economy" is not just corporate earnings, George. The economy is how the average American is doing. If you and your neo-con buddies are all willing to completely ignore how the majority of Americans are faring, then you will soon find this country suffering another revolution, and it will not be a revolution based on political ideals but on financial realities. I suggest that the powerful, wealthy, elitists of this country wake up before the rest of us wake you up. The latter will be rather unpleasant.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Are People REALLY This Stupid?

I just read a news article about 6 nuclear warheads mistakenly flying over the U.S. There was a poll included in the article asking people if they would describe the incident as "alarming." Ok, first - how does a B-52 bomber become "armed with 6 nuclear warheads and flown across several states"? Duhhhrrrrr... don't we have our nuclear warheads clearly marked? Are they not clearly separated from other bombs? How could they possibly have "mistakenly armed" a bomber with nuclear warheads?! That's the BIG STUPID! The other stupid thing is that apparently more than 6600 people (at the time this post was written) are not alarmed by this story - 34% of those who took the poll. REALLY? It does not alarm them that a mistake like this could happen. It does not alarm them that a B-52 armed with SIX NUKES may have flown over their house. It does not alarm them that B-52s are old planes and have had their share of problems. None of this alarms them. FREAKING AMAZING!! The fact that 34% of the people who answered the poll were not alarmed by the story is in itself alarming to me. A full one-third of the people who read the story and took the poll are not intelligent enough to be concerned by what they read in the story. Oh - by the way - the top story on MSNBC tonight was not this, nor the Republican debate. It was "Pavarotti Dies." I am not unsympathetic to those who loved Pavarotti and the wonderful gift he shared with us all, but greater men have died with barely a jot from the press. God help us.

P.S. I think I see how the next "terrorist attack" is going to occur.

If Ron Paul Does Not Win the Republican Primaries

I know that most Ron Paul supporters do not want to begin to entertain the idea that Dr. Paul may not win the Republican nomination for President. However, I pride myself on basing my ideas and decisions on what is real. In keeping with that principle, I must consider the possibility that Dr. Paul will not be the Republican nominee. If that is the case, I can only pray that he runs as an independent because the hole that he will leave in the race for President of the United States will be a very large one. He is the ONLY candidate who has been CONSISTENTLY:

  • Pro Individual Rights
  • Anti Big Government
  • Pro Entrepreneurship & Free Trade
  • Anti War
  • Pro Life
  • Anti Tax & Spend
  • Pro States Rights
  • Anti Federal Handouts
  • Pro Internet Free Speech (and all free speech for that matter)

There is no one except Dr. Paul in the Republican race who still believes in the rule of the law and the Constitution of the United States of America. He is the only Republican in the race who truly stands for the values on which the party was created. Without him in the race, I will be left once again without a candidate for whom I can cast my vote. If you believe in the values that I have listed above, PLEASE contact Dr. Paul's campaign and offer your assistance, and donate if possible. Do not think it is impossible to restore what the founders of this nation created. Dr. Paul is giving us the opportunity to become a beacon of hope to the world once again. Believe - then act upon your beliefs.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Market Makers Predicting Another September Attack?

In a piece by's Steven Smith and Aaron L. Task, the authors do anything but dispel suspicions (despite the title "Dispelling the Bin Laden Option Trades") about why there are currently about 63,000 open S&P 700/1700 box trades. They give some possible scenarios but no real explanation for why there would be such a high volume at the 700 level which is 50% below the S&P's most recent close of 1473.99. Is a September Surprise imminent from this Bush Administration which has already folded and burned the Constitution of the United States of America? I suppose all we can do is wait and see, but I pray to God that if it does happen, the citizens of this country will finally wake up and take to the streets before the last bits of freedom we have left are destroyed.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Virginia Tech President Charles Steger Needs To Go

I could not believe what I read about Charles Steger's response to the independent panel report that faulted him and the Virginia Tech administration for not acting quickly enough to protect students after shooting began on campus on April 16th. In an apathetic and weak statement, Steger said, "No plausible scenario was made for how this horror could have been prevented once he began that morning." ("he" is Seung-Hui Cho - the killer)

"No Plausible Scenario"??? Really? How about this scenario - immediate notification of the entire campus that a shooting has occurred on campus, where it has occurred and any known information about the shooter? That sounds like a "plausible scenario" to me.

Steger's response to the panel's report is enough reason to demand his resignation. He has proven himself to be callous, irresponsible, and incapable to facing the truth. I say to the families of the victims, "Keep Shouting! Do not let your voices be silent until Steger and the Virginia Tech police chief are out of office."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Limbaugh Speaks His Heart, Bigoted As It Is

In a supposed dissertation on Darfur, Rush Limbaugh states that the Democratic support for involvement by the United States and the United Nations in order to end the violence in Darfur is all because Democrats think it will win them the support of African American voters. What is worse is that he criticizes support of Nelson Mandela and our sanctions on the former Apartheid government of South Africa during the 1980's. This is appalling, vile, and inexcusable. There needs to be a cry of outrage over Limbaugh's statements. Advertisers should sanction his show until he makes a full retraction of his statements concerning Mr. Mandela, our sanctions of the former Apartheid government of South Africa, and the relationship between Democrats and their support of U.S. and U.N. involvement in Darfur. I believe Mr. Limbaugh is showing his true colors and will be making more frequent and more outrageous comments in the future.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Medicare Will Not Pay For Preventable Errors

This is a MONUMENTAL policy change that has received very little coverage. Why is this policy so profound? It will effect the profitability of EVERY hospital, nursing home and other long term care facility in the nation. Practically all errors are preventable. And although the aim of this new policy is to push the hospitals and long term care facilities toward more stringent adherence of current protocols and thereby reduce the number of "preventable errors," it will also drive costs through the roof for these facilities.

Medicare pays flat fees for particular treatments. Therefore, the additional testing (that will no doubt occur under this new policy) upon admission to the hospital will have to absorbed by the hospital. To avoid these additional expenses, I foresee hospitals beginning to over prescribe antibiotics in order to avoid having patients become ill with bacterial infections while in the hospital. That is only the beginning. The new guidelines could also encourage the health care facilities to falsely evaluate a patient as having more medical problems than actually exist. For example, as a precautionary measure, a blister may be documented as a "skin tear" or other type of wound in order to help the facility recoup the need for testing, additional staffing, and more extensive medical treatments that will be required because of the new guidelines.

Coding is everything when it comes to billing Medicare, and I am certain that employees of healthcare facilities will soon be receiving invitations to seminars on how to deal with the new Medicare guidelines and stay profitable. If you think there is "creative accounting" happening on Wall Street, it is nothing compared to what is an absolute necessity in the healthcare industry in order for a hospital or long term care facility to stay afloat. What this guideline will do to those facilities and the patients within them is a crime and its being perpetrated once again by George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Karl un-Christian Rove, and the rest of the current administration.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Wrong Again, D'Souza

In a recent article, Dinesh D'Souza again gets his facts and thus his suppositions incorrect. Speaking about the difference between World War II and the War on Terror, Mr. D'Souza says, "The real difference, I think, is that during World War 2 there was a national consensus in America that this war will not end until Germany and Japan are totally defeated. In other words, nothing short of total victory is acceptable."

No, Mr. D'Souza, the real difference is that the United States was actually fighting an enemy that attacked us in World War II, at least in the case of Japan. Had we stayed out of the first World War, Germany would never have turned to Nazism nor Hitler's ambitions for world domination. In addition, there would have been no need to battle them in World War II.

The real difference is that the citizens of the U.S. are learning about the lies that began the war in Iraq much more quickly than they learned of the lies that began our involvement in fighting Germany in World War I. We already know that Iraq had NOTHING to do with the War on Terror and that Al Quaeda's presence in Iraq has come about because of our own presence there. We know (because of Bush and Cheney's own words on air) that the war in Iraq is about oil. This war was never about weapons of mass destruction nor imagined "ties to Al Quaeda" as fed to the news media before troops were sent into Iraq.

The real difference, Mr. D'Souza, is that we knew about Abu Ghraib in the middle of the war in Iraq. The U.S. public did not learn about Japanese detention centers until well after WWII had ended.

Mr. D'Souza mentions Bush's superior will, comparing him to Clausewitz and Sun Tzu - what a monstrous load of rodent dung. Superior will for what, Mr. D'Souza? For more oil? For more money? Your judgement of character is severely lacking, Mr. D'Souza. By the way, do you motivate soldiers by giving them a false purpose for their mission, by encouraging them to sexually humiliate their imprisoned enemies, and by allowing innocent people to be detained for years without cause or charge before releasing them? WAKE UP!! There is nothing superior about Bush. He is an inept, unintelligent, and arrogant person not fit for the office of President of the United States.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tip of the Iceberg on Chinese Goods

I told you so. I told you so. I told you so.

Not even two weeks after the last recall, Mattel is now recalling nine million - 9,000,000!!! - more toys because of lead paint AND battery problems. I promise you that this is not over. I urge every consumer with a science and/or engineering background and every consumer research organization to check products coming from China for toxins and dangerous construction or defective parts. I will say it again. China has found a way to dump its garbage in the U.S. It is putting its garbage INTO the products that it is manufacturing for the U.S. market. What better way to keep lead from entering their atmosphere and water than to put it into paint that goes products headed for the U.S. If you receive catalogs from WalMart or any "wholesale" company that obtains a large percentage of its products from China, I strongly urge you to toss them into the trash where they belong. Our health and environment can only suffer by purchasing products from China.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

ATT Wireless Reps LIE

I recently purchased a Samsung Sync, and after having some difficulty locating information about using it as a modem for my laptop, I decided to call AT&T to get the information. However, when I contacted them, the representative told me that I would need to add an additional line of service and would need to purchase a $300+ aircard modem for my laptop in order to have Internet service through AT&T Wireless. After hearing this, I decided that I was not that interested in Internet service through AT&T. However, before giving up on the idea of using the Sync as a modem, I decided to dig into the search engines a bit further. What I found out was that I can indeed have Internet service through AT&T Wireless using the Sync as a modem and WITHOUT purchasing an aircard or an extra line. When the rep told me that I would need another line of service and an aircard, she was telling me a bold-faced lie. Here are the exact steps to follow if you want to use the Sync as a modem. I would like to sincerely thank user "jsm7483" on for providing this information.

Samsung A707 (Sync) Tether Instructions for Windows (this worked on a Sync with Hardware Version Rev 1.4 and Software Version A707UCGD2 through a Bluetooth connection with AT&T's "MediaNet" subscription):
1. Pair your phone either using PC studio or through the Windows Bluetooth Connections Manager
2. Open your Bluetooth Connections Manager (Windows)
3. Click on your phone
4. Click the properties button
5. Open the Services tab
6. Put a check in Dial-Up Networking (DUN)
7. Hit OK to close the phone dialog
8. Hit OK to close the Bluetooth Connections Manager
9. Create a new dialup connection through Dial-Up Networking
10. During your setup it will ask you for some info and also ask you what modem to use to connect with choose Standard Modem Over Bluetooth Link
Now here's the part where I depart for a little
The phone number you need is *99# just like that
The username you need is WAP@CINGULARGPRS.COM
The password you need is CINGULAR1
11. More Instructions...
12. Go into Control Panel
13. Open the Phone and Modems Control Applet
14. Switch over to the Modems tab
15. Choose standard modem over Bluetooth link
16. Hit the properties button
17. Go to the advanced tab and paste this at+cgdcont=1,"ip","wap.cingular" into your Extra initialization commands box.
18. Startup your new dialup connection and surf

AT&T Wireless should be ashamed of themselves for pushing unnecessary hardware and services. My family and I have been loyal AT&T Wireless -> Cingular -> AT&T Wireless customers for well over a decade. The reason we stayed with AT&T was because of the quality of the care we received in addition to the quality of the products and services. Apparently, we are no longer customers to AT&T. We are now only dollar signs.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Minnesota Officials Warned of Bridge Problems

Dozens Missing After Bridge Collapse

WHAT IN HEAVEN'S NAME ARE THESE GOVERNMENT HACKS BEING PAID TO DO?!? According to the above linked AP story, '"In 1990, the federal government gave the I-35W bridge a rating of "structurally deficient," citing significant corrosion in its bearings.' Reports like these need to be made IMMEDIATELY available to the public so that we can make informed decisions about our own safety and place the needed pressure upon the government to correct the problems. They think no one is watching, so they pass over vital issues affecting our lives and "pass the buck" to someone else to fix the problems. We are paying a heavy financial toll in taxes to have our highways and bridges maintained. Now we are paying a heavier toll with our lives because that money is being pocketed instead of spent on the needed repairs. 

When a doctor is negligent, he/she can be sued. When a driver is reckless, he/she can be fined or even imprisoned. When a "government official" is negligent and causes the deaths of possibly dozens of people, what punishment does he/she receive? Reprimand? Dock in pay? Suspension? Fired? This is hardly punishment for placing so many people at death's door. I hope that the family members, friends, neighbors, and co-workers of those who perished or suffered injuries in this tragedy will march on Minnesota's Capital Building and demand accountability.

More Garbage From China

Fisher-Price Recalling 1 Million Toys

Mattel announced that they are recalling 1.5 million - yes 1,500,000 - toys that were manufactured in China because of high lead levels in the paint. What is happening?! Talking heads here in the U.S. and government officials from China will tell you that its because of "poor oversight," "corruption," or "inability to keep up with rapid growth" in China's economy that are causing "problems" like this to occur. I don't think so. I believe that China has found a way of dumping their garbage in our country by putting it into products that they sell to us. It's rather ingenious, really. Manufacturing creates waste products. What better way to rid yourself of these wastes than to put them into the products that you will be exporting to other countries. Put that risk of disease and death upon another country's population. Increase their healthcare costs. Raise your own country's wealth and power by default. Our greatest threat is not from radical Muslim regimes like Iran but from the most populous and soon to be most powerful nation in the world. China has the intellect, will, and ability to infect our society with serious ills that will slowly but certainly degrade our health and our economy.

Friday, July 27, 2007

This IS Rocket Science, STUPID!!

Well, isn't this just special?! Our astronauts, who receive training costing millions of dollars and are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment - not to mention the fact that they are putting their lives on the line - decide to act like they're on a college campus! Getting drunk the night before a launch; worse yet, drunk during liftoff!!! What do the leaders of NASA have to say about this? They think it's "not a problem." NOT A PROBLEM?! Do they think that the whole of U.S. citizens are idiots? Do they think that we really believe the crap coming out of their mouths? I am so fed up with the lack of responsibility and accountability from NASA at this point that it would not bother me if entire agency would be scrapped and turned over to the private sector. I have nothing but disgust for these "god complex" inflicted clowns. Who do they think pays for their training, salaries, health care, and all that equipment? Save our tax money! Let the private sector take the risk.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Russia More Dangerous Under Putin Than Khrushchev

When a national leader is willing to assassinate his perceived enemies in foreign lands using dangerous radioactive materials, he is no longer a "president," "prime minister," nor "general secretary." At that point he is a despot, a dictator, and a terrorist. Yes, Vladimir Putin is a terrorist. He wants us to believe that those fighting for their freedom in Chechnya are terrorists, but that is not the case. If the freedom fighters of Chechnya are terrorists, then George Washington, Paul Revere, and Patrick Henry were terrorists. George Bush has given a terrible tool to the heads of states who are trying to quell groups fighting for their freedom. All they need to do is label the groups as terrorists. After that, they can unleash hell upon anyone whom they "suspect" as being a "terrorist." President Bush's meeting with Vladimir Putin speaks volumes about where the real threat to our freedoms lie.

Real ID Is Underhanded Federal ID

First, I would recommend that you view this so-called "National Town Hall Meeting on Real ID." Many of the issues that make the Real ID a bad idea were presented during the meeting. Interestingly, the meeting was put on with only 8 days notice to the public. Eight days - is that all the citizens of the United States deserve to prepare to meet and discuss such an important topic? I say it's disgraceful. Please note when watching the video how there is no response to the comments made by the representative of the Center for Democracy & Technology.

Why do I say it's an underhanded Federal ID? The first reason is that it is required from the states by the federal government. Second, there is a requirement that information within the state databases be share between the states. How can any state secure the transfer of information so that it only passes between those individuals and/or systems authorized to have the information? It cannot be done.

This program is being promoted using the same fear-mongering tactics that were used to pass the anti-"Patriot Act" after 9/11. The claims are that the drivers licensing process within the states must be made more secure because the terrorists were able to obtain licenses. However, the simple fact is that the terrorists obtained their licenses legally. Nothing would stop them from receiving a drivers license even with the "Real ID" system in place unless the information obtained by the states during the issuing of a drivers license was to be shared with the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. The feds say this is not going to happen and that there will be no "centralized database." Right - I believe that one. And the FBI never abused the authorities given them under the Patriot Act. Tell me another one.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

David McDade Is A Scumbag

Douglas County (Georgia) District Attorney David McDade has been handing out copies of a tape showing teenagers engaging in oral sex. The tapes have been going to news agencies upon request under the "Freedom of Information Act." McDade knows better. Teenagers engaging in a sex act on tape is child pornography, and a federal prosecutor agrees. McDade is upset because of the outcry about the harsh sentence handed down to Genarlow Wilson for participating in consensual sex between himself (17 years old at the time) and a 15 year old girl. For this act, Genarlow received a 10 year prison sentence (outrageous, in my opinion). Many people are arguing that the sentence is too harsh and are calling for a reduction, if not an elimination, of the sentence. In my opinion, McDade's agreement to handing out copies of the tape is retaliatory. He probably thinks that it will help turn public opinion in his favor. I personally hope that it gets him disbarred and gives him his own jail sentence. What a pig!   

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The Truth About U.S. Healthcare

I just watched a video on of an interview between Wolf Blitzer and Michael Moore concerning Moore's new film "Sicko." Sadly, CNN ran a hit piece by Dr. Sanjay Gupta just before the interview began which infuriated Moore and rightly so. CNN owes Moore an apology. The piece by Gupta claims to check Sicko's facts but gets its own facts incorrect. You can see the entire interview and the real facts here on Moore's site. I have gone through each point that Moore makes about Gupta's attacks, and Moore's facts check out. The real fact is that the message brought to us in "Sicko" is real. It's about real Americans facing real failures by our healthcare system. I urge everyone to see it. I also urge you to find and support alternative news sources because even those that formerly provided balanced views on the issues are now moving far to the right in support of their sponsors. I am very much enjoying the hammering that some "reporters" and "pundits" are receiving from their guests. Here's another one you might enjoy - Jon Stewart hammering the hosts of CNN's Crossfire.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

In Praise of Dead White Men - News Bloggers

In Praise of Dead White Men - News Bloggers

D'Souza still misses the mark. He writes in praise of the founding fathers' understanding that slavery was wrong and their foresight that it would take time to destroy the institution. However, he completely jumps past their ownership of slaves - a practice in which they certainly could have chosen NOT to participate. Those who wish to simply heap praise upon the founding fathers without taking an honest critical look at their lives are doing no justice to the history of our country. We need as much truth as we can obtain in order to move forward socially, politically and economically. D'Souza also leaves out that Lincoln wrote that if he could have won the war without freeing the slaves, he would have done so. Yes, the founding fathers are to be praised, but they are also to be criticized for not living the convictions of their own consciences.  

Monday, July 02, 2007

Journalists dole out cash to politicians (quietly)

Is This A Big Deal?

MSNBC published the above article about journalists who donate to particular candidates. I find this to be a NON-issue. The reason being that journalists are under editorial review. It does not matter what political views a journalist holds because the editor ultimately has final say. I am more concerned about where the heads of the news corporations are sending their money. That is more revealing about a news agency's political bent than where their journalists donate. For example, we all know that the Fox News staff donate to Republican candidates and causes. I do not really care. What matters to me is how much Rupert Murdoch is donating to the Republicans and being certain that all of it is properly documented.

When Will Amusement Parks Get A Clue?

Link to CNN story

Why are amusement parks still getting away with negligence and not being held accountable when a person is injured or dies because of a defect in their ride or the carelessness of their staff? I find it appalling that regulations on rides that are moving at high rates of speed and creating high "G" forces are not more stringently regulated and monitored. The owners of these parks have proven time and again that they care more about getting our money than they do about our safety. It is time to demand accountability. It is time to create heavy penalties for companies who do not properly maintain, construct, and manage their rides.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Buffett Admits Middle Class Getting Hammered

Warren Buffett, during a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, admitted to only paying 18% on his income toward taxes as apposed to the 32-35% paid by his subordinates. In fact, he offered a million dollars to anyone in the audience who could find an employer who was paying a higher percentage in taxes than his/her employees. Finally, an honest rich man has stepped for forward to speak out for the working men and women of this country. Let's see how long it takes for some of the nation's rich to begin whining about Buffett's remarks. My guess is that it will be less than a day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007


Despite video and eyewitness evidence to the contrary, John Gross, lead engineer of the NIST report said that he knows of no evidence of molten steel pouring from the Twin Towers on 9/11 nor pools of molten steel at the base of the towers after the collapse. This is a bold faced lie. Watch the video and hear the firefighters speak for themselves. John Gross is a liar and has completely discredited himself as an engineer. Maybe he can get a job with Fox News.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Gevity LIES

Follow-up to "AETNA - Get It Right - Chance 1"

We have heard back from both companies, AETNA and Gevity, and after cornering the Gevity rep with the evidence we have collected, she finally admitted that Gevity was the company who entered the wrong information into the their systems when we signed up for our AETNA PPO insurance plan. Instead, Gevity signed us up for an indemnity plan (basically, a reimbursement plan). Now, Gevity is saying that they will pay our unpaid claims from the time that we were on the wrong plan. Do I believe this? No. Why, because I had surgery during this time and my bills totaled over $10,000. We have requested Gevity's "promise" to pay in writing but have not received it. I believe that we will be battling this out in court shortly, and the evidence is on our side. I'll keep you posted.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Can You Imagine U.S. News Corporations Doing This?

I find the topic of this report from the BBC to be absolutely remarkable. Why? The report referenced in the article at the URL above is one that criticizes and warns the BBC of the difficulties of remaining impartial and trustworthy in its reporting. What makes the report so remarkable is that is was commissioned by the BBC governors. If this were to happen in the United States, I think the public would collectively faint, especially if Rupert Murdoch's FOX News would be willing to participate.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mom: Missing Mentally Disabled Son, Illegally Deported


More evidence that the federal government under this administration is out of control - this time a sheriff's department and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency deported a mentally disabled man to Tijuana, Mexico after getting him to sign a form agreeing to voluntary deportment even though is a legal U.S. citizen. Now the family of the man is in Mexico desperately searching for the man, Pedro Guzman of Lancaster, California.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

TSA denies 'sippy cup' mistreatment - Travel News -

TSA denies 'sippy cup' mistreatment - Travel News -

From the video shown by MSNBC and Monica Emmerson's version of the incident, you would be convinced that the TSA was in the wrong in this case. However, if you go to the TSA's site and view the full videos and their report, you can plainly see that Ms. Emmerson, after being told to dump out the "sippy cup" simply pours it on the floor. There is no attempt on her part to bring the cup to her mouth to drink the liquid, as she claims. Does this mean that TSA agents do not abuse their authority? NO!

In my own experience, my wife and I were attempting to get through airport security with our young twins, being rushed by being told at least 5 times within a one minute period to "keep the line moving" while trying to keep track of both of our 7 year olds, take off our coats and empty our pockets at the same time. When I was almost to the checkpoint, the agent sitting in his "highchair" told me directly to move more quickly. I became angry and said, "I am trying my best, but we have young children to watch." At this point, I was stopped in the checkpoint, 2 additional TSA agents appeared, and asked if they could take the cowboy boots that I had been wearing. Ten minutes later, the agents appeared with my boots and told me that I could leave. Three people who I do not know were so shocked by what they saw that they offered me their names, addresses and phone numbers to use as witnesses if I decided to file a greivance with the TSA. I never did, but after witnessing several abuses myself since that time, I wish I had. The TSA agents seem to forget that they are public servants working on the taxpayer dollar. Some common courtesy should be afforded us who are at the mercy of their every whim. Using these types of initimidation tactics amounts to martial law.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

AETNA - Get It Right - Chance 1

OR - My Own "Sicko" Episode

At this time, I am going to stop short of calling AETNA Insurance a scam. However, if you go to any of the major complaint sites on the Internet (like and do a search on AETNA, you might wonder about my decision to "bite my tongue."

Here is our situation. My wife is the subscriber to our health insurance through her employer (whom I will not name). Her employer uses a company called Gevity to coordinate the company's benefits. I am still not certain how much of our current dilemma with AETNA is the fault of Gevity's handling of the contract with AETNA, but for now, all I know is that AETNA is not paying claims.

Until July of 2006, my wife and I were paying directly for our own health insurance. At that time, my wife's employer decided to begin providing health insurance as a benefit. We looked at the plan, asked lots of questions, and decided that the national PPO plan that was being offered would be worth making the switch, instead of continuing to pay for our own insurance. We are beginning to seriously question that decision.

Apparently, when my wife and her colleagues were entered into the AETNA system, they were put under an "indemnity plan" instead of the national PPO to which they were to have been subscribed. For those of you who do not know, an indemnity plan basically reimburses the subscriber for a portion of the medical bills which the subscriber must first pay "out of pocket." Needless to say, when we found this out, we began complaining rather loudly to my wife's employer, to Gevity and to AETNA. In November of 2006, Gevity and/or AETNA issued the correct policy telling us that the bills from the previous 4 months would need to be resubmitted, and they would be paid under the PPO. After almost a year of complaining, questioning, proposed solutions, etc., we are no closer to having these claims paid than when this fiasco began.

We have jumped through every hoop that has been placed before us by AETNA and Gevity. We have remained very patient, giving both companies ample time to sort this out. We have exercised restraint and have not filed complaints with the Insurance Commissions of Pennsylvania (our home state), California (the headquarters of my wife's employer), Florida (the headquarters of Gevity) nor Kentucky (the headquarters of AETNA). That is about to change. We have contacted Gevity and AETNA and notified them that they have until this Friday, June 15, 2007 to have this resolved to our satisfaction, or we will be filing formal complaints in all of the aforementioned states with both their insurance regulating bodies and their Attorneys General. After reading many of the complaints on, I am beginning to believe that this is the only way that action ever takes place at AETNA. They have a terrible record of creating mountains of red tape to avoid paying claims in a timely manner, if at all.

By the way, this is "chance number 1" for AETNA to get it right. Chance number 2 will be when the Insurance Commissions and Attorneys General come after them. Chance number 3 will be when take them to court.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Lieberman Has Lost Common Sense

Senator Lieberman has become a complete hawk. He supports the war with Iraq despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The terrorists did not originate from there, and Saddam Hussein was a sworn enemy of Osama bin Laden. Now, Lieberman wants us to consider a military strike on Iran because of their "involvement" in Iraq. What a dolt! If we had never invaded Iraq, Hussein would still be in power, keeping Iran at bay and being no threat to us. Instead, because of Lieberman's beloved war with Iraq, Iran's power is now growing in the region, - especially in Iraq - and they are developing nuclear technology. Yes, we do need to keep a trained eye on Iran, but a strike at this moment would not be wise. Our military is over-extended, under-protected, and new recruits are under-trained. Those who are injured do not receive adequate care and support. Obviously, this is no matter to Lieberman. His children are not going to die in this war. I wonder how many Lieberman, Bush and Cheney relatives are serving on the front-lines in this war. How easy it must be to stick out someone else's neck.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Adubato Defends His Industry, Not The Truth

Does Gore hate TV because he's not good at it? - MSNBC TV -

Steve Adubato says that Al Gore's attack on the mainstream media in his latest book is "somewhat" legitimate. WRONG, STEVE! Al Gore's attack is completely legitimate. Your analysis of his attack is illegitimate. You base your analysis on your "gut feeling" that Al Gore hates television because he's "not good when he's on it," sighting his "loss" of the 2000 election. You do not even have the facts of the 2000 election correct. You say that one reason Gore lost in 2000 had to do with the way he acted on television. This is nuts. Did you even read the analysis of the Florida vote proving that had every vote been counted properly, Gore WOULD HAVE WON! You, Mr. Adubato, are a blustering "talking head" who is so frightened by the facts that the only way for you to argue Gore's use of them is to say that they do not matter. What a jerk!

Friday, June 01, 2007

PHEAA Cheats Students Out Of Needed Aid | 06/01/2007 | $400,000 down drain

Not only have PHEAA's lawmaker board members spent taxpayer money on expensive retreats and banquets, but it also spent more than $400,000 in legal fees in an attempt to keep the information secret. The Attorney General of Pennsylvania should be bringing formal charges against these board members and filing suits against them in order to have at least some of that wasted money returned to the PHEAA funds reserved for helping students pay for college. These lawmakers need to be publicly embarrassed and "raked over the coals."

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Much Too Little, Much Too Late

Bush imposes new sanctions on Sudan - Focus on Sudan -

Four days after my post on why I do not trust conventional media sources, which included a criticism of their coverage of the atrocities in Sudan, Bush puts out a statement about new U.S. sanctions against the Sudanese government. Unfortunately, the sanctions do not go far enough and will make little difference in the spilling of innocent blood by the Janjaweed Militia. Why has it taken so many years to get this president to pay attention to something that so many people in the United States and around the world have been pointing to as one of the world's worst atrocities? Have Russia and China been paying him blood money to keep a "hands off" policy? It certainly would not surprise me.

Boeing Should Boil

Boeing sued over CIA transfers - U.S. News -
The profiteering and participation by U.S. companies in the CIA's "extraordinary renditions" is finally being brought to light. One of those companies, Jeppensen Dataplan Inc. (a Boeing unit that provides flight & logistics support to plane operators), is being sued by the ACLU on behalf of 3 people abducted by the CIA. These three people were never charged formally with any crime and have since been released by the U.S. government. I hope these vicitims are awared hundreds of millions of dollars since the executives of Jeppensen Dataplan Inc. cannot be given what they truly deserve - the torture which they helped facilitate.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Keith Olbermann | The Entire Government Has Failed Us on Iraq

Keith Olbermann | The Entire Government Has Failed Us on Iraq

I cannot imagine it being said any better. The democrats caved completely to a weak and completely distrusted president. My hopes have now turned to apparently the only person in Congress who is principled and courageous enough to vote the way he speaks - Dr. Ron Paul. I invite you to check him out at

Arab Woman Bravely Speaks Truth - Google Video

Arab Woman Bravely Speaks Truth on Al Jazeera TV - Google Video
Watch and listen to this brave, intelligent, passionate Arab woman speak the truth to a reporter and someone I am guessing to be a Muslim leader. According to the description of the woman on the Google Video site, she is an Arab American psychologist named Wafa Sultan. I am amazed at her strength of character. She is speaking in Arabic, so you need to watch closely and read the English text quickly if you do not speak Arabic.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why I Don't Trust Conventional Media News

Publisher Murdoch gets nipped by his own paper | Lifestyle | Reuters

Rupert Murdoch is one of the bigger reasons that I do pay any attention to the Big Four media corporation's news outlets. In fact, I consider them to be the Big Three since MSNBC/NBC is so intimately in bed with FOX news. Whatever the situation, when people like Murdoch have control over what news we see and hear and what we don't, it is difficult to believe what comes across the wire. So much of it is twisted, watered down, or simply omitted that there is little reason to put faith in its validity. Murdoch, in particular, is one of the most twisted minds in corporate America. He wants us to still believe the lies that raised support from the American public for the war in Iraq, despite evidence from the current administration's own members that the intelligence was not trustworthy and in many cases, completely false. He wants us to forget about Darfur and the killing and torture of innocent Christian men, women and children there who refuse to convert to Islam. He wants us to believe everything negative about the Democratic candidates for the Presidency of the United States and especially about that dangerous, rogue Republican candidate, Ron Paul who dares to hold true to the original Republican values o small government, non-interventionist foreign policy, upholding the Bill of Rights and being true to the Constitution of the United State of America. Yes, Murdoch is a problem, along with the rest of the corporate media news outlets. If he ends up in control of the Wall Street Journal, I do not have an idea of who we will be able to trust in reference to financial news and information. Let's pray it doesn't happen.

Has Any Other President Spewed So Much Bovine Dung?

Bush sees al Qaeda hand behind Iraq attack plots | Reuters

Despite mountains of evidence showing that the violence in Iraq is being created between Sunnis and Shiites, Bush is continuing his attempts to convince us that the fight in Iraq is about Al Quaeda. What does it feel like Mr. Bush, to speak and have the large majority of our nation not believe what you say? Obviously, it matters none to you. Why should it when so very few are willing to call you to the carpet, to demand accountability, to speak truth to power? One of those who is not afraid to speak the truth, Dr. Ron Paul, is growing in popularity and scaring the supposed frontrunners of your party. The truth is being spoken, heard and believed, Mr. Bush. Your little coup is about to end.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

CEOs of High-Tech Firms CLUELESS


This story perfectly shows how out of touch with reality the CEOs of tech companies are. The huge majority of them think that their companies are doing an "above average" job serving customers. This is absurd!! All you need to do is go to the bottom of the page following the article, and see how many people took the time to voice their displeasure with these companies and their CEOs. This is only a sampling of the number of people who found themselves shaking their heads in disgust at the stupidity and/or ignorance of the CEOs surveyed. What I would add to the article is that companies do not realize how one very bad customer service experience can completely change the buying habits of a consumer. Here is how Hewlett-Packard lost me as a customer.

I had been somewhat of an HP junkie for about 7 years. After very good experiences with my first 2 HP desktops, I began purchasing many other HP products: cameras, printers, other peripherals, and a handheld. The handheld was the mistake. All of my HP products are still in good working order, but the handheld is trash. Despite the fact that I had purchased a 3 year replacement warranty on the handheld, I could not seem to get anyone to help with the problems that I was experiencing with the handheld. When I attempted to get repairs done on the machine, HP told me that I did not have warranty coverage. After 4 months of arguing with representatives, nasty emails and 2 letters to executive level individuals, I was still no closer to resolution with the problems I was having with my handheld. They won. They wore me down, and I gave up... well, not really. I am guessing that if I am blessed to live another 50 years, that I will have purchased a truckload more of computers and related products. NONE of them will be from HP - not even a cable. So, there you have it, HP. You may have an incredibly loyal customer who would not even think about buying another brand, but if you screw that customer bad enough - even one time - you will lose him/her. You lost me, and I was a very good customer.

Friday, May 18, 2007

What Do You Choose?

It really is a choice. And the choice you make effects the world around you.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

CIA's Silence Speaks Volumes

Senators want to make CIA release 9/11 report - U.S. Security -

For 20 months, TWENTY MONTHS, a year and 8 months, more than 600 days, Congress has been waiting for the CIA's report on the events of 9/11. What have they received from the CIA? NOTHING!! Why? What is it about the truth that the CIA fears this time? I say "this time" because the CIA still hides vital information about the events that began World War II, about John F. Kennedy's assassination, Iran/Contra, and many other events. It has nothing to do with national security. It has to do with keeping the electorate blind, deaf and dumb. Do you not see that the powers that manipulate our government want you to remain ignorant? As long as you remain ignorant, they can control you. You will not make demands. You will not raise your voice. You will not participate in demonstrations while you remain ignorant of the truth. If you are the "curious type" and continue to ask for answers to your questions, groups like the CIA will simply wear you down by making you wait until you either become tired of the process or become distracted by something else. If you are the type who remains focused and simply asks louder each time, you will eventually be threatened, jailed or simply wiped off the face of the planet. At the "threat" level, most people simply shut up. That's the whole idea. Just shut up and follow our instructions. Just shut up and accept everything we say as fact. Just shut up so that we can continue our mission to control all of humanity. So, my question for you is, "Are you going to shut up? Or, are you going to be brave enough to open your mouth and ask the same questions over and over, louder and louder until those in power have no choice but to provide an answer that can then be scrutinized and investigated until the truth is revealed?" My hope is that you will make some noise.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Top News- Misdiagnosed Man Spends Life Savings - AOL News

Top News- Misdiagnosed Man Spends Life Savings - AOL News

Does this man deserve compensation from the doctors and hospital that misdiagnosed him with pancreatic cancer? Because of the diagnosis, John Brandrick, 62, decided to sell all of his possessions, including his car and even his clothing to live his remaining days in style. However, Brandrick did not have cancer. He had something called pancreatitis, a curable ailment. The first question that came to my mind was, "Is a biopsy not performed to determine the presence pancreatic cancer?" If so, how could they come to him with a diagnosis of cancer if the biopsy did not show it? The hospital says that after reviewing the case, they would not have made any different diagnosis at the time based on the same evidence. If so, how did they eventually come to the second and correct diagnosis?

Now, let us suppose that the hospital did all of the necessary testing and procedures necessary to make a proper diagnosis, and all of the signs did indeed say "pancreatic cancer." Was it the hospital's fault that Mr. Brandrick decided to live the "high life" for his remaining days? I would say, "No." Mr. Brandrick would have made that decision based on the best information available at the time. The hospital could not be held liable if a miracle had taken place and Mr. Brandrick was now destitute. That apparently is not what happened here.

I believe a full investigation into all of Mr. Brandrick's records relating to this case should be reviewed by an independent medical panel to determine if the proper procedures were followed and the proper diagnosis made from the information obtained from those procedures. If the proper procedures were performed, Mr. Brandrick has no legal footing. However, if the hospital did not do what was necessary to make a proper diagnosis, they should be held liable for Mr. Brandrick's financial loss. No one is going to make the same decisions believing they have only months to live as they would believing that they will eventually recover from their illness.

Monday, May 07, 2007

ilovemountains - End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining » Multimedia

ilovemountains - End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining » Multimedia

When I first viewed a documentary on this issue, I found it difficult to comprehend. However, I have forced myself to view the videos and read the articles about Mountaintop Removal so that I could get past the shock to experience an anger that has moved me toward constructive action. I hope that you will take the time to view the videos at so that you too can learn about this atrocity being perpetrated upon the lands and people of West Virginia, Kentucky and other states where Mountaintop Removal is being allowed to occur.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

At her majesty's pleasure | Salon Life

At her majesty's pleasure | Salon Life

Peter Kurth acted like a jackass on an international flight and paid the ultimate price. In this article, Mr. Kurth shares part of his diary entries during his month in a hellish London prison. If this does not make you fear the efforts of the world's elite to manipulate the rest of us, I am not sure what will. An evil has invaded the justice systems of even the most "free" of nations. We must find a way to stop it before Earth becomes the prison of any whom the elite deem undesirable.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Va. Tech Gunman Writings Raised Concerns - EarthLink - Top News

WHAT?! This has me so enraged that I can barely type. This was such an absolute failure on the part of the administation of Virginia Tech and the Virginia State Police to protect students and staff that heads should have been rolling in both places yesterday. There should be resignations and firings happening right now. Two hours - TWO HOURS - 120 MINUTES passed between the first 2 killings and the other 30. Why were students still allowed to walk the campus? Why was there not a LOCKDOWN?!? What in the name of God were the authorities and administration doing? This man had previously set fire to a dorm. HELLO?!?! Set fire to a dorm. Why was he not permanently expelled? The administration of this school owes some explanations to parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters NOW! Not next week, not tomorrow, RIGHT NOW! This is insanity, and I am not only speaking of the shooter. I am contacting my daughter's college to find out what they are doing to ensure that this WILL NOT happen on her campus.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Site Attempts to Boycott "The View" is attempting to make a dent in number of "The View" fans. They view her comments about 9/11 and President Bush as unpatriotic and anti-American. What the site will not tell you is anything about the evidence behind Rosie's words or about the lies told by President Bush and made evident by members of his own administration. Ms. O'Donnell obviously frightens the folks at the site because millions of women are hearing the truth from Rosie, some for the first time. I am not a fan of O'Donnell, but I do admire her courage in speaking out against the Bush administration and the ridiculous war in which the President has involved our men and women.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ex-Aide Details a Loss of Faith in the President

Who's the Flip-flopper Now, Mr. Dowd?

This piece about an interview by Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times with Matthew Dowd shows Dowd as man who switched parties to support Bush through 2 campaigns and a senseless war and then to become a critic who is now calling for withdrawal from Iraq (his son is to be deployed there). As usual, the Republican party draws the hypocrites. Had Dowd done this interview before the 2004 elections, I might have believed his supposed change of heart. However, now that we are half way through a second term with this lying, office stealing, thug of a president, and Mr. Dowd sees Mr. Bush's numbers falling through the floor, I have no faith in his change of heart. I hope that Mr. Dowd finds himself unemployed for the next decade. That might give him a taste of what Bush has put this country through.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

After Trying to Burn Clinton, Republicans Want Their Privacy

It appears the the Party of Hypocrites is out in full force. Republican candidates like Newt Gingrich, John McCain, and Rudy Giuliani are calling for privacy during the presidential campaign. How do they keep from biting their forked tongues? These Republicans who constantly make personal character a central issue in their attacks on others want us to simply look the other way when it comes to their own personal lives! Do they really think we can take them seriously when they spew this garbage? I won't. I hope you won't either.

Please Fix IE7 To Work With Flash!

Use this link to put the rss feed from this blog on your site:

How many of you are having this problem? You visit a site that uses Adobe Flash content and receive a message stating that you must upgrade to the latest version of Flash Player. You are sure that you have the latest version of the player, but to be certain you go to the Adobe site and download it anyway. In seconds, you see the Adobe sample playing and think, "ok, cool, everything is working." However, when you return to the site that originally told you to upgrade, you still receive the same message. Next, you Google the problem, follow the suggestions to uninstall Flash Player, and then reinstall Flash Player. You return to the site that gave the "upgrade" message once again, but still, you receive the same *@&# message telling you to upgrade. From my experience, this is an IE7 problem. I can go to the same sites using Firefox and view the content without any problems. I wonder if Mac users have these issues.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Freeze Your File and Their Profits

I was just visiting Experian's website (the credit reporting agency) to see what I can learn about how to freeze my file with them so that potential creditors and others (including identity thieves) could not access it. While searching the site, I came across an article by the Maxine Sweet, the company's Vice President of Public Education. That must be another name for Spin Doctor. Public Education? Riiiiiight. Profit protection is more accurate. Ms. Sweet was responding to a question asked by the fiancee' of a man who had been the victim of identity theft and apparently requested that his credit reports "frozen." The problem is that the future husband was careless and forgot the PIN given to him by Experian (and quite possibly the other 2 reporting agencies, Trans Union & Equifax). Ms. Sweet, being the great "educator" said that freezing his file after an identity theft actually would give the thief more power to do harm by committing different types of fraud. How ridiculous!

The fact is that every time someone freezes their credit file, it is lost revenue for the credit reporting agencies because they can no longer sell your information to just anyone who has your personal information. If your file is frozen, you must personally "unfreeze" it temporarily for the person or company who wishes to view the information. If you properly handle your PIN, this is a minor hassle for you and the person/company needing the information, but a MAJOR hassle for the credit reporting agency. They must spend man-hours and money, locking and unlocking and re-locking your credit file. This again takes money from their bottom line. I should let you know that your state may allow a nominal fee to the credit reporting agencies for temporarily unlocking your file.

It all makes me laugh. Why? I truly cannot stand credit reporting agencies. They gather very sensitive, personal information - information that should be extremely privileged, and they sell it. Does the party requesting your credit information have to know you? No. Does the party requesting your information need your permission? Supposedly, yes, but it is very easy for them to skirt this requirement. Do you get any part of the profit from YOUR information that has often been collected without YOUR permission (because you have no choice if you want to buy a house, car, furniture, etc.)? No. AND, if something is incorrect on your credit report, getting it corrected is extremely difficult. In my opinion, credit reporting agencies do the same thing that a paparazzi photographer does. They take something private from you without your permission and sell it. It is a scummy business. It stinks to high heaven. But now, we - or, at least, some of us - have been given a new tool to battle these companies.

Some state governments actually did something right for a change and gave some control back to the real owners of personal credit files - the people whose names are on those files. In some states, you can now freeze your credit file from an unknown entity attempting to gain access to it. It currently costs $10/person per agency to freeze your credit file (a total of $30 per person) and requires that you send a certified letter requesting the freeze to each of the 3 agencies. The credit reporting agencies are required to maintain a toll-free number for people who have frozen their files. If you want find out which states have made this law, how to get your state to enact such a law, and where to write to freeze your own credit file, simply follow this url:

My wife and I are going to freeze our files in order to take away some of the credit reporting agencies' power and to protect our credit, which Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax are NOT doing. I hope you will consider freezing your credit file also.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

What Is Wrong With Embarq?

*UPDATE* Joy of Joys! Today, the Embarq technician who has done the best work for us in the past came and checked everything from the jack to the Central Office. He changed our jack, cleared some questionable connections in the house, made sure that connections on the splitter at the outside box were secure, switched our modem (which I now believe was the real problem), and switched us to a new card in the C.O. Everything is working beautifully now. Customer service is still alive at Embarq!!!

Before getting to the nitty gritty, for those of you who may not know, Embarq is the name that Sprint has given to its spin-off local phone service. First they were United Telephone, then Sprint and now Embarq. Because I was never far from home for any long period of time, they have always been my local phone company. At one point, they were even my employer. For the large majority of my life, my family and I have been very pleased with the service they have provided. However, it seems that within the past 6 months or so, something has changed. The customer oriented, quality focused company that I used to know seems to have become distracted from the values of customer service and quality.

As a "captive customer," I really have no choice about my local service if I want "landline" service. However, I have also "chosen" Embarq over satellite and cable providers for high-speed Internet service. This is where we have seen the biggest decline in service. The technicians have been very slow to admit problems when they exist. I am not certain if this is because there is a large backlog of work to be completed or if there is another systemic problem. Whatever the reason, we have become increasingly dissatisfied with our DSL service. Since a snowstorm that occurred around February 14th, our DSL service has been regularly dropping for short periods. When it returns, the speed is fine, but sometimes it will only be available for a matter of minutes before it drops again. We had been told that the problem was inside our house. No problem - we have "wireline coverage," so we had them activate a different jack for the DSL. The tech assured us before leaving the house that the jack and inside wiring were not the cause of any problems. Unfortunately, switching jacks did not solve the problem. It has been 2 weeks of this "on/off" service with no resolution. 

I strongly suspect that there is a much larger problem than the DSL service coming to our house from the "central office." When the problem first began, we were told by Embarq that there was an "area wide" issue originating from Carlisle (Embarq's main "hub" in our region). This "issue" which was never clarified went on for several days before being "cleared" according to the representatives I spoke with on the phone. However, even after "clearing" the trouble, our problems still remain. The biggest clue that the trouble in Carlisle has not been cleared is that my friends who have Embarq DSL are also experiencing problems with their service since the storm. Now, I am left with few choices, but I am pursuing all of them.

  1. Filing formal grievances with the FCC and Pennsylvania Utilities Commission.
  2. Encouraging my friends to do the same.
  3. A class action against Embarq.
  4. Deciding on either satellite or cable to replace my DSL service. I am trying to convince my friends to make this move with me. If we all move at the same time to the same company, I think we can make a much louder statement than if we leave one by one.

If any of you who read this are having difficulties with your Embarq DSL service, please feel free to contact me using the following email address. Simply replace the "at" with @. I will be happy to hear from you.

lon_diffenderfer "at"

Together we can affect some positive change.     

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Alex Jones Turns BBC Reporter's Words Into Feces

Please PLEASE listen to this interview of Guy Smith of the BBC who produced and directed a hit piece on those who believe (and have provided evidence) that the destruction of the World Trade Towers and "Building 7" in New York on September 11, 2001 was an inside job. Alex does a remarkable job of making Mr. Smith look like a disingenuous fool. If you are someone who cares at all about the future of freedom in the world's democratic nations, I implore you to check out this interview and other media available on

Monday, February 12, 2007

A Mistrial to Save the War

Please follow the link above to read a superbly written article by Bill Simpich, "The Watada Mistrial: Here's What Really Happened." As you read it, you will learn how a military judge improperly used "mistrial" as a way to avoid having the war, the intelligence community, and the President of the United States prosecuted in his courtroom. The actions of this judge are a grand example of cowardice. He saw the weakness of the government's case against Lt. Watada, and it scared the living s*it out of him - so he ducked and ran. 

Thursday, January 25, 2007

My Open Letter to Senator Obama

After a wonderful winter holiday vacation in New Hampshire, I am back to the keyboard to offer my unabashed opinion on the issues that we face individually, as a nation, and as a world community. I had hoped that my first post of the New Year would be one of a very positive tone, but I read yesterday of the slanderous attack on Senator Obama by a magazine called "Insight" which was followed up by none other than "FOX News." Although the senator rebutted the remarks made by both organizations, I believe that his words were not strong enough, and so, I wrote him an email to tell him such. Here is what I wrote...

"Dear Senator Obama,

I just finished reading an article about a slanderous attack against you in the magazine, “Insight” and “FOX News.” I have read your rebuttal to these attacks as well. Although your response was well-thought and showed diplomacy, it was also weak – in my opinion. After being let down by Mr. Kerry after the last presidential election by his unwillingness to truly fight the obvious voter fraud that occurred, I am unwilling to put my energy, time, and finances behind another candidate who refuses to fight back strongly against attacks on his/her character, and/or attacks upon our freedoms and system of justice – as in 2000 & 2004. Not only had the Republican leadership betrayed the voters in 2000 & 2004, but also the Democratic leadership, who sat on their hands – and tongues – while 2 elections were stolen from them. I can assure you that neither Democrats, nor moderate Republicans will return to the polls to vote for another candidate who does not specifically “call to the carpet” anyone and everyone who attempts to hijack the next election by voter fraud, personal attacks or any other means. The remarks made against you by Insight & FOX have already proven to be false. That is slander, Senator. Please call it such, and demand immediate apologies from both organizations, or have them face legal action by your campaign – for the sake of your campaign and the country’s faith in our democracy.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration..."

I am certainly not alone in my frustration and anger over the weak response by the Democratic leadership in the past 2 presidential elections. Any candidate who takes a timid approach will find himself/herself on the sidelines during the next election. Of that, I am certain.