Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where the Libertarian/Freedom Movement Fails

I am a libertarian. Or, perhaps I should say, “I want to be a libertarian.” That being said, I realize that in writing this post, I will receive much criticism for it.

I have heard many in the Libertarian/Freedom Movement camps use terms like “over my dead body” when referring to the government taking away fundamental freedoms, but a very minute percentage of those who use such terms have sacrificed anything but their own liberty while the government with the aid of large corporations have taken our wealth, health, and freedom. Over the past 2 centuries, our liberties have steadily eroded. Despite the emergence over past half century of libertarianism, freedom movements, and new parties that support a return to our founding principles, the erosion has continued. There has been some very limited success in getting people elected from these groups. Here some reasons why I believe these groups have not succeeded:

  • Sold out/wimped out in defending the small business and individual against the large corporation and government.
  • Stopped defending all of our civil liberties to focus on the “right to bear arms” – forgetting that all of our liberties are needed to survive and prosper.
  • Lay silent as real money (gold and silver coins owned mainly by individuals and small businesses) were stolen by the federal government. (I am referring to a singular event that marked my almost complete loss of faith in the “freedom movement.”)
  • Allowed usurpation by elements of the “Christian Right.” 
  • Allowed a few individuals to act as self-appointed spokespersons/leaders of the “freedom movement” without accountability.

I have been a registered “Libertarian” for the past 20-some years, and I have voted for Libertarians when the choice was available to me. However, I have no faith that Libertarians (or other libertarian groups) will succeed unless they resist the pressure and influence of religious groups, large corporations, charismatic populists, and the government. Libertarians need to be heard defending the individual and small business, holding leaders accountable for their words and actions, rejecting “single issue” groups who want to forward their cause by using the libertarians, and standing against groups who would inject religious viewpoints.

Before Ron Paul supporters begin jumping down my throat, I believe that he was the best hope we have had for restoring our liberties since he last ran on the Libertarian ticket. Unfortunately, the older generation in this country was holding to a false sense of patriotism and gave their vote to McCain. Had Dr. Paul been able to bring that group to support him, I believe Dr. Paul would be our president today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reich Has It Right

In his article at the Huffington Post, Robert Reich takes on the AIG apologists and gives valid reason for what many are calling the “nationalization” of failing banks. In his closing paragraph, Reich states:

“Apart from AIG's sophistry is a much larger point. This sordid story of government helplessness in the face of massive taxpayer commitments illustrates better than anything to date why the government should take over any institution that's "too big to fail" and which has cost taxpayers dearly. Such institutions are no longer within the capitalist system because they are no longer accountable to the market. So to whom should they be accountable? When taxpayers have put up, and essentially own, a large portion of their assets, AIG and other behemoths should be accountable to taxpayers. When our very own Secretary of the Treasury cannot make stick his decision that AIG's bonuses should not be paid, only one conclusion can be drawn: AIG is accountable to no one. Our democracy is seriously broken.”

Monday, March 16, 2009

War in Iraq

2184 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths – 4,924

Wounded – 31,089

Iraqi Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

Deaths – 1,320,110

Wounded – No Mechanism to Track (conservative estimates are in the millions)


An Innocent Muslim

Recently I received a “tweet” from a person whom I admire greatly and have been following on Twitter. It went something like this - “who do you think are the ‘coolest Christians’?” The answers that came back from others who follow his tweets were interesting, but not surprising. However, a few of his own responses puzzled me – for this reason. Several of the people whom he considers to be “cool Christians,” I have difficulty giving the title Christian at all. They are people I consider “Bushians” not Christians. By supporting Bush, they encouraged the killing of innocent Muslims, the torture of prisoners of war, the devaluation of our currency to the detriment of our economy, and the destruction of our civil liberties for the sake of a war on an unnamed enemy - “terror.” One of the “cool Christians” mentioned on his list has been quoted as saying that there is “no such thing as an innocent Muslim.” I wish that I could introduce that person to the thousands of Iraqi children burned beyond recognition by “white phosphorus” and then see if he could tell me that there is no such thing as an innocent Muslim.

Oil Companies Looking for Pity

The oil companies have created a new ad campaign to battle the push for cleaner domestic fuels. The campaign is quite slick. An attractive woman dressed in business attire walks onto the set and tells us that 2/3 of America’s oil and natural gas come from North America. Did you catch that? She says, “oil AND NATURAL GAS.” That’s how she can use the 2/3 figure – because it includes natural gas. If she were speaking only of oil, she would have to say 1/3. If you go to the website that she mentions - - you can read the sob story of how new “energy taxes… could produce devastating effects on our economy.” Never mind the horrible effect that the ridiculous profits being reaped by the oil companies and the OPEC nations has had on our economy already. It’s time for the oil companies to pay up. It’s past time for us to stop listening to the lies from BIG OIL and break our addiction on foreign and domestic oil.