Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ex-Aide Details a Loss of Faith in the President

Who's the Flip-flopper Now, Mr. Dowd?

This piece about an interview by Jim Rutenberg of the New York Times with Matthew Dowd shows Dowd as man who switched parties to support Bush through 2 campaigns and a senseless war and then to become a critic who is now calling for withdrawal from Iraq (his son is to be deployed there). As usual, the Republican party draws the hypocrites. Had Dowd done this interview before the 2004 elections, I might have believed his supposed change of heart. However, now that we are half way through a second term with this lying, office stealing, thug of a president, and Mr. Dowd sees Mr. Bush's numbers falling through the floor, I have no faith in his change of heart. I hope that Mr. Dowd finds himself unemployed for the next decade. That might give him a taste of what Bush has put this country through.

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