Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ABC's MOVE Networks Player - The WORST

Like you, over the years I have had the opportunity to see technology advance, making more things possible online and offline. One of those advancements has been the increasing quality and availability of online video, including tv shows from the major networks. Unfortunately, despite these advances, certain companies have ignored the complaints and difficulties that consumers are having with the software or delivery systems that they are using. One of these companies is ABC, of the huge Disney conglomerate. ABC uses software and delivery by a company called MOVE Networks to present their shows online. In my experience, the MOVE Player has to be one of the worst online video products and/or services ever used by a major company. When viewing shows from ABC online, we constantly experience skips and other video quality issues. I know that these problems are not caused by our Internet connection which is provided through our local telephone company, Embarq. We have a DSL connection that regularly tests at above 9 Mbps. Our family also uses the ROKU Player for viewing movies from Netflix, and I can tell you that we have no problems with skipping, hesitation, or video quality with Netflix. Nor do we have any problems when playing games online or viewing videos from other sites like CNN, YouTube, Atom, Sundance Channel. ABC needs to get serious about their online video services if they expect to keep viewers. There are simply too many other options for quality entertainment online than to suffer with mediocre services like those provided by ABC.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Senator Ensign Proves Again - GOP Party of Hypocrites

It's the same thing all over again. How long will it take the GOP to learn that you can only say one thing and do another for a short time before people stop listening to you and believing anything you say? Today Sen. John Ensign admitted a nine month extramarital affair with a member of his campaign staff. This is the same man who called former President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky "an embarrassing moment for the country." No Mr. Ensign, you and the Republican Party are the real embarrassment.

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What "Change" Has Occurred Mr. President?

I'm not seeing - this great "change" that was supposed to happen once President Obama took office. We are still in Iraq with no signs of pulling out. Gays still have to remain silent about who they are to remain in our military and cannot obtain the same rights under the law through marriage. North Korea and Iran still flaunt their missile and nuclear technology without consequence. And now, just like the Bush Administration, President Obama wants to withhold the names of people who have visited the White House (the people's house) since he was sworn in.

Who is this man? He certainly is not the same one who campaigned on issues of transparency, equality, and ending the war in Iraq. Has he been ordered to "play ball" by some higher powers? Has his life or the lives of his family members been threatened by people within
the upper echelons of society? Has he been paid off? I don't know, but I know that he is not the same Barack Obama of a year ago. And I know that I do not like this Barack Obama. It appears that the ultimate "bait and switch" has been pulled on the American public.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Thoughts and Prayers Are With The Iranian People

I pray that the people of Iran will not back down in the face of violence and threats - that they will remain strong in their struggle for truth and the new government for which they voted. May they also remain compassionate when the tables are turned against those who persecute them as can be seen at the end of this video:

Protests in Tehran after election - Riot police caught by crowd

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bill Maher Is 100% Correct

In the video posted below, Bill Maher makes the point that "the audacity of hope part is over. Right now, I'm hoping for a little more audacity." President Obama is wasting an opportunity to pass real healthcare reform, end the war in Iraq, protect the environment, stop using oil from the Middle East, and stop bailing out banks and businesses who have no interest nor intention to become fiscally responsible. President Obama is acting less like a president with both houses of Congress on his side, and more like he is bought and paid for by the Republican Party. He needs to get aggressive on these issues or he will find a large number of his supporters looking for a truly progressive candidate to replace him in the next election. Please, Mr. President, get real on energy, the environment, the War in Iraq, the bailouts, and healthcare. There is no better time.
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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Awww... Poor Repubs Upset AGAIN!

  • President Obama speaks
  • Republicans get upset
This time it's healthcare. What's the problem this time? President Obama suggested that the federal government create a healthcare program to compete with the insurance companies - the same companies who will not insure you if you have a pre-existing condition or have a lapse in your health insurance coverage. Republicans don't want the government to compete with the "for profit companies" and provide better coverage than what those companies provide. They don't want Americans to have the kind of coverage that they receive as members of Congress. HYPOCRITES!!! That's all Republicans are anymore. HYPOCRITES! I am sick of their whining about the "destruction of capitalism" while they continue to give subsidies to huge corporations and accept their own perks and benefits from the government while cutting trying to keep everybody else else from receiving the benefit of quality healthcare. These Republicans and their families should be put on basic Aetna policies for a couple of years and see what tune they are whistling then. We have over $20,000 of debt because of Aetna's so-called "coverage."

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