Thursday, May 21, 2009

Network Magic – No Magic Here

Although I have been using HomeNet Manager on our wireless home network with success for the the past year, I thought I would try Network Magic since we use a Cisco/Linksys Router (WRT54G2), and since Pure Networks has recently come under the Cisco umbrella. I thought that this switch might clear up some minor issues I have had with SingleClick Systems HomeNet Manager. NOT TRUE! I completely uninstalled HNM from all our computers, rebooted and installed Network Magic. The problems were immediate. Network Magic could not identify my router – not a good start. It then could not recognize that Network Magic was installed on the other computers – giving warnings that Network Magic needed to be installed. Finally, it could not access the HP printer connected to one of the computers. I went through the help files to attempt to resolve these issues with no success. I have since reinstalled HomeNet Manager, and things are working once again. No, it’s not perfect, but it is immensely better for our wireless home network than the “magic” of Cisco.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

War in Iraq - Clock

6 Years & 64 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths – 5,553

Wounded – 31,249

Iraqi Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

Deaths – well over 1,000,000

Wounded – No Mechanism to Track (conservative estimates are in the millions)


President Obama, why is there still no end in sight for this war?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rep. Pete Hoekstra “…very very serious charge” – LMAO

Representative Pete Hoekstra is now criticizing Speaker Pelosi for her remarks surrounding the CIA briefings on torture and saying that accusing the CIA of lying is a “very very serious charge.” WHAT?! Accusing the best liars in the United States Government of lying is a “serious charge”? This has to be one of the most laughable quotes of the year. If Rep. Hoekstra truly believes that the CIA tells the truth to Congress or anyone else, he is delusional at best and should check himself into a mental health facility. How many reams of declassified material have to be released before he believes that the CIA lies, defrauds, steals, destroys, murders, etc.? Mr. Hoekstra probably likes to cherry-pick his intelligence like former Vice-President Cheney. Demanding a particular piece of intelligence from the CIA is like requesting a particular flavor of ice cream from Baskin-Robbins. The CIA wants us to believe that they are in the business of collecting intelligence. In fact, they are in the business of manipulating intelligence in order to achieve whatever goal they are working toward at a particular moment. And telling Pelosi to prove that the CIA is lying when the information needed to prove such an accusation is classified – well, that is simply stupid.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lindsey Graham: They Are Not Criminals

In reference to the hearings on the Bush administration’s process and decisions to approve techniques like water boarding when interrogating suspected terrorists:

“It goes back to what the administration was trying to do. If you are trying to commit a crime, it seems to me that’s the last thing you would want to do. If you had it in your mind and heart that you’re going to disregard the law, and you’re going to come up with interrogation techniques that you know to be illegal, you would not go around telling people on the other side of the aisle about it. You would not be getting legal advice.”

How stupid is this guy? Of course you would be telling people on the other side of the aisle. Of course you would be getting legal advice. WHY?!? You bring your opposition in on the plan and get legal advice that supports your plan so that when the time comes to judge your actions, you can claim that nobody stood in your way. Nobody told you that what you were doing was wrong – no matter how wrong it was. It’s the same reason that they attempted to write into law that members of their administration could not be later prosecuted for their actions. THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WAS ILLEGAL!!! HELLO!!! ARE THERE ANY LIVING BRAIN CELLS INSIDE YOUR CRANIUM, MR. GRAHAM? Lindsey Graham is an ass. He knows exactly why Bush/Cheney did what they did, and that is why he is now playing “Dick Cheney” during these hearings.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cheney’s Postgame Cheerleading

Former Vice President Cheney is still on the circuit defending the indefensible. During an appearance on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Mr. Cheney that he had no regrets over policies put in place during the Bush administration and is “absolutely convinced we saved thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.”

I am sick of hearing this crap from a man who should be in prison. First, I do not believe that the pro-torture, warrantless wiretap, spying on citizen policies of the Bush administration saved a single life. And, even if it could be proved that lives were saved using these anti-American, unconstitutional techniques, I would rather be less safe and have my freedom than to live in a fascist state. I am not afraid of Al Quaeda or the Taliban or any other terrorist group, so long as I am given the right to defend myself. I am much safer on a plane where pilots can carry weapons than on a plane where there may or may not be a federal marshal on board. I am safer in a mall where there are people who have a license to carry a concealed weapon than I am in a mall where there are unarmed guards. I am safer in a nation that requires that the government take every precaution to protect my liberty than one where it wants the right to use torture and tap my phone without probable cause. The problem in this country is that we are too comfortable. We do not want to sacrifice time, effort, nor money (let alone life or limb) to protect the liberties we now enjoy. The attitude is: “Let them take some of my freedom, just don’t require me to think or expect me to move from this couch.”