Thursday, January 22, 2009

War in Iraq - War in Gaza - Clocks

2131 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths - 4,870

Wounded - 3,096

23 Days since the start of the War in Gaza

Gazan Casualties since the start of the War in Gaza

Deaths - 1,284

Wounded - 4,336

Israeli Casualties since the start of the War in Gaza

Deaths - 13

Wounded - no report


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Senate Republicans Believe Torture Is OK

By delaying the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General of the United States on the grounds that he may prosecute intelligence agents for torture, Senate Republicans are saying, in effect, that torture should be legal. The Republicans are saying that if the agents were following orders and acting within what they believed to be legal guidelines, they should not face prosecution. Really? Whatever happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"? Is that not what these same Republicans tell marijuana users and those who partake of alcohol before the legal age - people who are harming no one, except, maybe themselves? Yet, somehow, people who torture other human beings are to be exempt if they are following orders and believe what they are doing is legal. How two-faced and hypocritical can you be? What stupidity! I say, "Prosecute these Senate Republicans for not following nor defending the Constitution of the United States."
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Does This Surprise Us?

Pentagon: Ex-Gitmo Detainees Resume Terror Acts

Uh… no kidding? You take a man from his family, friends, and country; accuse him of terrible acts; give him no trial, no access to a fair legal system; (in some cases – torture him); then you release him. What do you think he is going to do? I mean, seriously, if this happened to me – even if I had never committed an act of terrorism in my life – I would certainly be considering committing such an act after being released. We, along with the Israelis, are creating terrorists. We cage these men for years, show them no human dignity whatsoever and then expect them to what? – just let it pass? – forget it ever happened? That’s ridiculous!! It’s insane. Many of us in the United States were asking after 9/11, “why do they hate us?” Now we should be asking, “why shouldn’t they hate us?”

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Monday, January 12, 2009


The following post is a response to the video at:

This guy, Allan Sloan, in this "Fortune - CNN" video claims to have "been around forever" and know practically all there is to know about investing and the SEC. He rants and whines while making up ridiculously vague reasons why the SEC should not be blamed for missing the Madoff scandal. Oh, it's not the SEC's fault that they allowed investment firms to police themselves for two decades. It's not the SEC's fault that they ignored tips that clearly raised suspicion that Madoff was stealing. No, we have to expect that these things are just going to happen. As Sloan says in the video, it's more likely that the SEC will catch small-time violators than the Madoffs of the world. What an arrogant idiot!

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

War in Iraq - Clock

2120 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths - 4861

Wounded - 30934


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Israel Calls For Patience While They Kill More Innnocents

While hundreds of innocent Palestinians are killed, Israel has the gull to ask for patience. Never mind that the continued bombing, death and destruction is driving more Palestinians toward the way of the terrorists. Ignore that Israel promotes tolerance toward itself while it demands that it not be required to be tolerant toward Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or other religions and races. We are simply to remain "patient" while they cleanse Palestine. Representative Dennis Kucinich stated clearly what the position of the United States should be in this short statement on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Israel Bombing People In A Cage

People in the United States need to wake up and speak out – especially those Christians who have been brainwashed to believe that the Israel of today is the same as the Israel of thousands of years ago. Today’s Israel behaves more like Nazi Germany than a free democracy. Freedom of speech does not exist there. I dare any of the radical right wing preachers here in the United States to go to Tel Aviv and begin preaching the gospel of Jesus. They will be arrested. Reporters inside Gaza are being targeted by the military. Now, they are brazenly bombing schools. It is time to stop supporting this radical regime in Israel. Cut off the supply of arms and aid that is allowing Israel to continue its slaughter of innocent civilians. Stop this insanity NOW!