Saturday, July 14, 2007

David McDade Is A Scumbag

Douglas County (Georgia) District Attorney David McDade has been handing out copies of a tape showing teenagers engaging in oral sex. The tapes have been going to news agencies upon request under the "Freedom of Information Act." McDade knows better. Teenagers engaging in a sex act on tape is child pornography, and a federal prosecutor agrees. McDade is upset because of the outcry about the harsh sentence handed down to Genarlow Wilson for participating in consensual sex between himself (17 years old at the time) and a 15 year old girl. For this act, Genarlow received a 10 year prison sentence (outrageous, in my opinion). Many people are arguing that the sentence is too harsh and are calling for a reduction, if not an elimination, of the sentence. In my opinion, McDade's agreement to handing out copies of the tape is retaliatory. He probably thinks that it will help turn public opinion in his favor. I personally hope that it gets him disbarred and gives him his own jail sentence. What a pig!   

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