Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Why I Don't Trust Conventional Media News

Publisher Murdoch gets nipped by his own paper | Lifestyle | Reuters

Rupert Murdoch is one of the bigger reasons that I do pay any attention to the Big Four media corporation's news outlets. In fact, I consider them to be the Big Three since MSNBC/NBC is so intimately in bed with FOX news. Whatever the situation, when people like Murdoch have control over what news we see and hear and what we don't, it is difficult to believe what comes across the wire. So much of it is twisted, watered down, or simply omitted that there is little reason to put faith in its validity. Murdoch, in particular, is one of the most twisted minds in corporate America. He wants us to still believe the lies that raised support from the American public for the war in Iraq, despite evidence from the current administration's own members that the intelligence was not trustworthy and in many cases, completely false. He wants us to forget about Darfur and the killing and torture of innocent Christian men, women and children there who refuse to convert to Islam. He wants us to believe everything negative about the Democratic candidates for the Presidency of the United States and especially about that dangerous, rogue Republican candidate, Ron Paul who dares to hold true to the original Republican values o small government, non-interventionist foreign policy, upholding the Bill of Rights and being true to the Constitution of the United State of America. Yes, Murdoch is a problem, along with the rest of the corporate media news outlets. If he ends up in control of the Wall Street Journal, I do not have an idea of who we will be able to trust in reference to financial news and information. Let's pray it doesn't happen.

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