Thursday, March 22, 2007

Please Fix IE7 To Work With Flash!

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How many of you are having this problem? You visit a site that uses Adobe Flash content and receive a message stating that you must upgrade to the latest version of Flash Player. You are sure that you have the latest version of the player, but to be certain you go to the Adobe site and download it anyway. In seconds, you see the Adobe sample playing and think, "ok, cool, everything is working." However, when you return to the site that originally told you to upgrade, you still receive the same message. Next, you Google the problem, follow the suggestions to uninstall Flash Player, and then reinstall Flash Player. You return to the site that gave the "upgrade" message once again, but still, you receive the same *@&# message telling you to upgrade. From my experience, this is an IE7 problem. I can go to the same sites using Firefox and view the content without any problems. I wonder if Mac users have these issues.

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