Monday, July 16, 2007

Real ID Is Underhanded Federal ID

First, I would recommend that you view this so-called "National Town Hall Meeting on Real ID." Many of the issues that make the Real ID a bad idea were presented during the meeting. Interestingly, the meeting was put on with only 8 days notice to the public. Eight days - is that all the citizens of the United States deserve to prepare to meet and discuss such an important topic? I say it's disgraceful. Please note when watching the video how there is no response to the comments made by the representative of the Center for Democracy & Technology.

Why do I say it's an underhanded Federal ID? The first reason is that it is required from the states by the federal government. Second, there is a requirement that information within the state databases be share between the states. How can any state secure the transfer of information so that it only passes between those individuals and/or systems authorized to have the information? It cannot be done.

This program is being promoted using the same fear-mongering tactics that were used to pass the anti-"Patriot Act" after 9/11. The claims are that the drivers licensing process within the states must be made more secure because the terrorists were able to obtain licenses. However, the simple fact is that the terrorists obtained their licenses legally. Nothing would stop them from receiving a drivers license even with the "Real ID" system in place unless the information obtained by the states during the issuing of a drivers license was to be shared with the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. The feds say this is not going to happen and that there will be no "centralized database." Right - I believe that one. And the FBI never abused the authorities given them under the Patriot Act. Tell me another one.

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