Friday, October 19, 2007

Ellen DeGeneres and Her Producers Should Be Sued

I usually enjoy Ms. DeGeneres' show when I have the opportunity to see it. However, she is completely wrong in the case of this "Iggy" situation. Let's look at the facts:

  • Ms. DeGeneres signed a contract when she took receipt of the dog from the private animal rescue agency, "Mutts and Moms."
  • The contract stated that Ms. DeGeneres agreed to return the dog to the agency if Ms. DeGeneres was not able to continue caring for the dog.
  • Ms. DeGeneres admits that the dog did not get along with her cats and that she could no longer allow the situation to continue, thereby triggering the stipulation in the contract requiring Ms. DeGeneres to return the dog to the agency.
  • Instead of returning the dog, Ms. DeGeneres gave the dog to her hairstylist's family in violation of the contract with "Mutts and Moms."
  • In accordance with the contract, "Mutts and Moms" had the dog returned to the agency.
  • Ms. DeGeneres used her show as a means to defame "Mutts and Moms" and humiliate its owners.

What Ms. DeGeneres did was inexcusable. She broke a contract and then used her show as a conduit to coerce the other party to back down and made statements that made the other party appear to be unfair and uncaring. The other party in the contract simply followed through on the terms of the contract. I hope that "Mutts and Moms" decides to sue, and I hope they win big. Celebrities do not have the right to use their status to cause harm to others. Yes, they should have freedom of speech, but their freedom of speech ends where it causes harm to another person. Ms. DeGeneres and her show have certainly caused harm to "Mutts and Moms" and its owners.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

ORU Professors Spilling the Beans

All I can say is, "It's about time..." Three former Oral Roberts University professors are blowing the whistle (the reason for which they were terminated) about illegal and immoral actions on the part of Oral Roberts University President Richard Roberts and his wife, Lindsay. It has been suspected by many people both inside and outside of ORU's circle of influence that there have been improprieties on the part of Richard Roberts and his family. Now, thanks to evidence found on Lindsay Roberts' laptop computer, light is being shed on many misdeeds by the Roberts family.

Unfortunately, the Roberts are not alone. Many well-known evangelists and politicians in recent years have been making Christianity look like a circus. It has reached a point that some Christians have been hoping to coin another name for followers of Jesus. However, several groups have recently formed to oppose to the antics of those who are attempting to hi-jack Christianity to promote their own personal causes, whether it be war, financial gain, popularity, political advantage, etc.

I think it is time once again to rid the temple of the moneychangers, whores, and charlatans and reclaim it for its true purpose, to worship and honor God. I would offer this word of warning to any Christian or anyone else observing the actions of these so-called leaders. If you hear someone in a position of religious, political or economic power speaking about their Christianity to a group who could further advance their power, be very cautious about their motives.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Jennifer Griffin - ? Are You Out There?

This post is simply to say a big "hello" to Jennifer Griffin, a friend of mine from "music camp" at Central Oak Heights in Milton, Pennsylvania. I wanted to let her know that the cool needlepoint "Music is the universal language..." that she created for me way back then is still in a prominent place in my home. It has followed me everywhere, and I just want to tell you how very much it has meant to me over the years. I was looking at it again today and thought that I should try to send out a "thank you." I hope that you are happy and healthy. God Bless You!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blackwater Policy: Shoot First - Count Bodies Later

The founder of Blackwater, Erik Prince, would have us believe that they are acting in the best interest of the United States when they have no accountability to the military, the U.S. criminal justice system, nor the Iraqi government. Complete and utter Bull Dung. There is no way that you can put a bunch of gun toting, gung ho, ex-military personnel in a position where they have no accountability to any court system and not have problems. In fact, there have been warnings from several Defense Department staff about what would happen if we allowed private security firms to be deployed in Iraq. They predicted the abuses that have occurred. They told us that they lack of accountability would be to the detriment of Iraqi civilians. It's all coming true, and it will only get worse if our government does not act now to stop it. Blackwater represents no one and is accountable to no one. They should be contracted by no one.

Monday, October 01, 2007

This Should NEVER Happen In America

I welcome you once again to the United Fascist States of America. Today's example that we are living in a fascist state: A woman dies in the custody of our amazingly trustworthy and competent airline security personnel. The woman became irate when she was not allowed to board a plane because she was late in arriving. The security personnel then handcuffed her and placed her in a holding cell. Nobody knows what happened next. Apparently, no one was keeping an eye on her. All that is known is that she was found unresponsive and somehow "tangled" in her handcuffs. I have several questions. If the woman was so irate that she needed to be handcuffed, did anyone ask her if she was on medication? Did anyone check her person for medication or illicit drugs? Did anyone consider that perhaps she needed medical or psychiatric attention? Was any immediate family member contacted? I understand the need to keep an irate passenger away from others for her safety and the safety of others. However, when this happens, you can't just put her in cuffs, toss her in a cell and forget about her. She may be in need of help, thereby explaining her distress. Airline security is under-trained to put it simply.

Another Typical Cop Story

I am really getting sick of hearing these stories of cops who both on and off duty being abusive. In this CNN story, a Chicago cop goes to Iowa to celebrate his brother's birthday, gets drunk, goes to the house of someone who was at the party for the sole intent of harassing the guy, and knocks him out. Now the cop claims that he was wrongly convicted. WWAHHH!!! WAH! Am I supposed to feel sorry for this cop because he MIGHT lose his job? Not a chance. He went to the victim's house! He harassed the victim! Then he knocked the victim out. These things are happening every day in this country and cops are usually getting away with it. It's time for accountability. The longer we allow those in power to abuse it, the worse the abuse will become until eventually we are a nation of slaves.