Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Va. Tech Gunman Writings Raised Concerns - EarthLink - Top News

WHAT?! This has me so enraged that I can barely type. This was such an absolute failure on the part of the administation of Virginia Tech and the Virginia State Police to protect students and staff that heads should have been rolling in both places yesterday. There should be resignations and firings happening right now. Two hours - TWO HOURS - 120 MINUTES passed between the first 2 killings and the other 30. Why were students still allowed to walk the campus? Why was there not a LOCKDOWN?!? What in the name of God were the authorities and administration doing? This man had previously set fire to a dorm. HELLO?!?! Set fire to a dorm. Why was he not permanently expelled? The administration of this school owes some explanations to parents, spouses, children, brothers and sisters NOW! Not next week, not tomorrow, RIGHT NOW! This is insanity, and I am not only speaking of the shooter. I am contacting my daughter's college to find out what they are doing to ensure that this WILL NOT happen on her campus.

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