Monday, June 11, 2007

Lieberman Has Lost Common Sense

Senator Lieberman has become a complete hawk. He supports the war with Iraq despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The terrorists did not originate from there, and Saddam Hussein was a sworn enemy of Osama bin Laden. Now, Lieberman wants us to consider a military strike on Iran because of their "involvement" in Iraq. What a dolt! If we had never invaded Iraq, Hussein would still be in power, keeping Iran at bay and being no threat to us. Instead, because of Lieberman's beloved war with Iraq, Iran's power is now growing in the region, - especially in Iraq - and they are developing nuclear technology. Yes, we do need to keep a trained eye on Iran, but a strike at this moment would not be wise. Our military is over-extended, under-protected, and new recruits are under-trained. Those who are injured do not receive adequate care and support. Obviously, this is no matter to Lieberman. His children are not going to die in this war. I wonder how many Lieberman, Bush and Cheney relatives are serving on the front-lines in this war. How easy it must be to stick out someone else's neck.

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