After a wonderful winter holiday vacation in New Hampshire, I am back to the keyboard to offer my unabashed opinion on the issues that we face individually, as a nation, and as a world community. I had hoped that my first post of the New Year would be one of a very positive tone, but I read yesterday of the slanderous attack on Senator Obama by a magazine called "Insight" which was followed up by none other than "FOX News." Although the senator rebutted the remarks made by both organizations, I believe that his words were not strong enough, and so, I wrote him an email to tell him such. Here is what I wrote...
"Dear Senator Obama,
I just finished reading an article about a slanderous attack against you in the magazine, “Insight” and “FOX News.” I have read your rebuttal to these attacks as well. Although your response was well-thought and showed diplomacy, it was also weak – in my opinion. After being let down by Mr. Kerry after the last presidential election by his unwillingness to truly fight the obvious voter fraud that occurred, I am unwilling to put my energy, time, and finances behind another candidate who refuses to fight back strongly against attacks on his/her character, and/or attacks upon our freedoms and system of justice – as in 2000 & 2004. Not only had the Republican leadership betrayed the voters in 2000 & 2004, but also the Democratic leadership, who sat on their hands – and tongues – while 2 elections were stolen from them. I can assure you that neither Democrats, nor moderate Republicans will return to the polls to vote for another candidate who does not specifically “call to the carpet” anyone and everyone who attempts to hijack the next election by voter fraud, personal attacks or any other means. The remarks made against you by Insight & FOX have already proven to be false. That is slander, Senator. Please call it such, and demand immediate apologies from both organizations, or have them face legal action by your campaign – for the sake of your campaign and the country’s faith in our democracy.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration..."
I am certainly not alone in my frustration and anger over the weak response by the Democratic leadership in the past 2 presidential elections. Any candidate who takes a timid approach will find himself/herself on the sidelines during the next election. Of that, I am certain.
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