Monday, October 31, 2005

Apple sells a million videos in new service - Yahoo! News

Apple sells a million videos in new service - Yahoo! News

ARE THESE PEOPLE NUTS??? Two bucks for one episode of a television show? Do you have to watch the commercials with that too? There is no way you could get me to pay that much for a single episode. Apparently some people don't think the networks make enough money from their advertising dollars. I am not one of them. In fact, they could take 80% of the shows off of network television, and I wouldn't even notice. If these folks are that starved for entertainment, they need to take up a hobby or learn to play an instrument, something constructive - not continue their "brain drain" and tossing money out the window. What a shame...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Reefer Madness?? Yes, the Feds Have Lost Their Minds

On October 7, Steven Tuck, a California medical marijuana patient who fled to Canada to avoid going to jail after being raided for growing his own marijuana, was snatched from a hospital by Canadian authorities, driven to the border with a urinary catheter still attached, and turned over to U.S. authorities for prosecution. He was held in jail for five days without medical treatment and without having his catheter removed.
He was released from a Seattle jail to seek medical care last Thursday, but when his treatment is over, he must return to California to face a federal marijuana charge.
Tuck, an Army veteran, used marijuana to treat the chronic pain stemming from a 1987 parachute accident in the Army. Is this how our government rewards its veterans?
If this outrages you like it does me, please do something about it. Please help the Marijuana Policy Project continue lobbying to change these cruel and unjust laws, by making a contribution to the work of MPP.
You can read more about the case of Steven Tuck — whose attorney is being funded by MPP's grants program — here.
And Steven Tuck isn't alone. On Monday, the FBI announced that the government is arresting one marijuana user every 41 seconds — more than ever before.
The 771,605 marijuana arrests last year set an all-time record —  and exceeded the 590,258 arrests for all violent crimes combined. And 89% of the marijuana arrests were for simple possession, not sale or manufacture. This is wildly out of sync with the priorities of most Americans.
One of those arrests last year was Jonathan Magbie, a quadriplegic medical marijuana patient who died in the Washington, D.C., city jail while serving a 10-day sentence for marijuana possession. Had Congress not blocked the district's medical marijuana law from taking effect, Jonathan Magbie would almost certainly be alive today.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Don't Light A Match

Does Anyone Else Smell Gasoline?
Why does everything that contains rubber or metal and manufactured in China smell like gasoline? I first noticed it when we received a free flashlight from Petcare RX for an order we had placed with them. The flashlight had both black rubber and internal metal parts that smelled of gasoline. The odor is so strong that even after allowing it to “air” for a week or so, it still smelled so bad that we put it in our storage shed and have not used it. We also noticed the odor on a small tool kit that I had ordered over the Internet through Publishers Clearing House. The steel tools had a greasy feel to them and the strong odor of gasoline. Most recently, I purchased a chair from Staples. The steel legs had such a strong odor of gasoline to them that I had to allow it to “air” for a week before placing it in my office. So, what’s with these “Made in China” products and their gasoline odor? Do they have so much of the carbon based fuel that they are swimming in it over there? I would be interested to know if anyone else has noticed this problem with products they have purchased. If so, send me an email at diffie1 “at” I do not wish to make my email address a link for fear of getting spammed by people who use email spider programs to collect email addresses from blogs and other Internet sites.

Anything For Power

Congress set to renew Voting Rights Act - Race in America - MSNBC.comHow many of you are buying this? How many of you really believe that the Republican Party cares about African Americans or the poor in this country? Look at New Orleans and the coast of Mississippi. Look at the people who have been harmed by the poor planning and lack of resources. Just look at them. This is what happens when a power hungry, war mongering, oil loving man is President of this country. Please open your eyes, people. For the sake of all the citizens of the United States, open your eyes.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

"Players" - That's ALL They Are

Smoot fumes over link to controversial party

The more I here about stuff like this, the happier I am when there are talks of player strikes, discord within the NFL and ratings declines. I don’t know about Mr. Smoot, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of the men (and I use that term loosely) who attended the sex party are married. No honor for their wives – no respect for their children… it’s all so disgustingly hedonistic. These guys need to GROW UP. But who is going to require that they do that? It won’t be the fans who continue to watch the games, buy tickets, and purchase the sponsor’s products. Nor will be the owners of the teams who continue to lavish ridiculous salaries and other perks upon the players. And so the depravity continues and will continue… and we wonder why the children have no respect for “adults.”

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

FEMA & The Fool

The FEMA Ice Follies Revisited
Agency opts to store millions of pounds for next disaster

FEMA just can’t seem to get it right and the President just doesn’t get it at all. FEMA is trucking ice all over the country in refrigerated trailers waiting for the next disaster because they didn’t get the ice to the right places during Katrina. So, now that they have paid for the ice, they don’t want to just dump it. They are storing it. Of course, storing ice in trucks is much more expensive than reselling or even dumping the ice and buying more when it is needed. That’s what our government does best – finds the most ridiculous and wasteful ways to spend our money.

And G.W. – what’s he doing? Oh, he’s creating photo opportunities by going to Gulf and saying a few nice words and pounding a few nails. It does not matter to me, how many platitudes he offers or how many nails he drives. He can never gain my trust. I pray that the rest of the United States citizenry can see through that smug smirk and blue collar shirt of his. He is as fake as the fur on my mom’s winter coat.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Stop Bush

Outside Inquiry Sought on Prosecutor's Demotion

Stories like the one referenced above just keep on coming.

And the last President was impeached for what?

George W. Bush makes Clinton look like a kid who cheated on his homework. The current President has used coercion, false information, abuse of power, and other such illegal tactics to put us at war, silence his critics, limit our freedom, increase his personal wealth and power, and on and on…


Tuesday, October 04, 2005

George Will Is STILL An Idiot

VRA, All of It, Forever?
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was the noblest law of the 20th century. Some of its provisions, however, are now weird—and worse. --George Will

George Will is STILL an Idiot
In the above referenced piece by George Will, he makes a couple (only a couple) valid points. But no matter how many 4 and 5 syllable words Mr. Will uses, he still comes out wrong in the end. Mr. Will argues that there are certain parts of the Voting Rights Act, at the very least, that should be removed or changed. He does not even look at the facts pointing to voter fraud by the state of Ohio and other states during the last election. He simply dismisses the evidence with these 3 sentences:

One reason is that prominent Democrats, with their habit of seizing their own party's jugular, present the party as a bad, although practiced, loser. They assert what evidence refutes—"disenfranchising" (John Kerry's word) "a million" (Kerry's number) African-American voters in 2000, and the "suppression" (Howard Dean's word) of African-American votes in Ohio in 2004. Such meretricious laments encourage some African-American leaders to strike familiar sterile poses of victimhood.

“What evidence refutes…” Really, Mr. Will? What evidence are you looking at? Obviously, you have missed some huge pieces, such as first hand accounts by voters turned away from the polls and others who voted at electronic voting machines which changed their votes.

Mr. Will lives in a fantasy land. Until he decides to join us here in the real United States of America, he should not be allowed to continue spewing his opinions backed by unsubstantiated claims in a major news magazine.

Can You Say "Scapegoat"?

Behind the Abu Ghraib photos
In an exclusive interview, Lynndie England talks about her part in those now infamous pictures

This woman has done wrong and has admitted such. However, she is soldier – a soldier who followed orders. The estranged father of her child (with whom she does NOT have a friendly relationship) testified on her behalf at her trial. Did the military jury think that mattered in this case? Apparently not… They found her guilty (which she is appealing) and sentenced her to military prison. What happened to the colonels who were in charge of Abu Ghraib? One received a slap on the wrist – a scolding and an $8000 fine. The other is still being investigated according to the Pentagon. This is all okay with you sleepwalkers, right? Sit there in front of your Fox News and pretend everything you hear is the truth. Believe (as twisted as the story is) that these soldiers just took it upon themselves to abuse the Abu Ghraib prisoners without provocation and without orders or encouragement from the officers in charge. Right, and Eddie Murphy – the comedian/actor – can really understand animals as if they were talking to him.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Suicide or Botched Terrorist Attack?

Blast kills one at University of Oklahoma
Police probe apparent suicide near packed football stadium

Simply a suicide? I don’t think so.
This person was 100 yards from a packed football stadium. The person used explosives, not sleeping pills, nor a gun, nor did they jump from a tall building. The person’s name has not been released. All of these facts point to an attempted terrorist attack that did not happen. Thank God. My guess is that the person was headed toward the stadium when the bomb they were carrying prematurely exploded. Of course, we may never know the truth because the federal government covers up just about everything these days. Why isn’t this bigger news? Why not large headlines splashed across the front of MSNBC’s homepage? Very curious…

If it was an attempted terrorist attack, the implications are immense. Was the person affiliated with a well organized terrorist group or acting on his/her own? Did the person obtain the materials for the bomb from the college, the community or elsewhere? Have more attacks been planned for college and/or professional sports events?

This event might pass as a suicide, but it if more occur over coming weeks, we have a very serious problem on our hands.