Sunday, July 12, 2009

Breaking My Addiction to Google

I have made the decision to break my addiction to Google. Despite the fact that I like most of their products, they are gaining access to more information about me than makes me comfortable. They are basically tracking my every move on the Internet, have my main email account (gmail), hold some of my personal documents, maintain my online calendar, house my online videos (YouTube), and even have this blog which contains an advertisement from Google Affiliates which requires that I provide some very private information in order to receive payments. In my opinion, I have given them too much access to my personal life and information, and, thus, have decided to stop using several of their services. Blogger ( is one of those services. I am not certain that this will effect anyone except myself as I do not know of any regular followers of my blog. However, in the possibility that there are people following this blog, I will notify you through an upcoming post as to where my blog will be located in the future.
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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

ABC's MOVE Networks Player - The WORST

Like you, over the years I have had the opportunity to see technology advance, making more things possible online and offline. One of those advancements has been the increasing quality and availability of online video, including tv shows from the major networks. Unfortunately, despite these advances, certain companies have ignored the complaints and difficulties that consumers are having with the software or delivery systems that they are using. One of these companies is ABC, of the huge Disney conglomerate. ABC uses software and delivery by a company called MOVE Networks to present their shows online. In my experience, the MOVE Player has to be one of the worst online video products and/or services ever used by a major company. When viewing shows from ABC online, we constantly experience skips and other video quality issues. I know that these problems are not caused by our Internet connection which is provided through our local telephone company, Embarq. We have a DSL connection that regularly tests at above 9 Mbps. Our family also uses the ROKU Player for viewing movies from Netflix, and I can tell you that we have no problems with skipping, hesitation, or video quality with Netflix. Nor do we have any problems when playing games online or viewing videos from other sites like CNN, YouTube, Atom, Sundance Channel. ABC needs to get serious about their online video services if they expect to keep viewers. There are simply too many other options for quality entertainment online than to suffer with mediocre services like those provided by ABC.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Senator Ensign Proves Again - GOP Party of Hypocrites

It's the same thing all over again. How long will it take the GOP to learn that you can only say one thing and do another for a short time before people stop listening to you and believing anything you say? Today Sen. John Ensign admitted a nine month extramarital affair with a member of his campaign staff. This is the same man who called former President Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky "an embarrassing moment for the country." No Mr. Ensign, you and the Republican Party are the real embarrassment.

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What "Change" Has Occurred Mr. President?

I'm not seeing - this great "change" that was supposed to happen once President Obama took office. We are still in Iraq with no signs of pulling out. Gays still have to remain silent about who they are to remain in our military and cannot obtain the same rights under the law through marriage. North Korea and Iran still flaunt their missile and nuclear technology without consequence. And now, just like the Bush Administration, President Obama wants to withhold the names of people who have visited the White House (the people's house) since he was sworn in.

Who is this man? He certainly is not the same one who campaigned on issues of transparency, equality, and ending the war in Iraq. Has he been ordered to "play ball" by some higher powers? Has his life or the lives of his family members been threatened by people within
the upper echelons of society? Has he been paid off? I don't know, but I know that he is not the same Barack Obama of a year ago. And I know that I do not like this Barack Obama. It appears that the ultimate "bait and switch" has been pulled on the American public.

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

My Thoughts and Prayers Are With The Iranian People

I pray that the people of Iran will not back down in the face of violence and threats - that they will remain strong in their struggle for truth and the new government for which they voted. May they also remain compassionate when the tables are turned against those who persecute them as can be seen at the end of this video:

Protests in Tehran after election - Riot police caught by crowd

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Bill Maher Is 100% Correct

In the video posted below, Bill Maher makes the point that "the audacity of hope part is over. Right now, I'm hoping for a little more audacity." President Obama is wasting an opportunity to pass real healthcare reform, end the war in Iraq, protect the environment, stop using oil from the Middle East, and stop bailing out banks and businesses who have no interest nor intention to become fiscally responsible. President Obama is acting less like a president with both houses of Congress on his side, and more like he is bought and paid for by the Republican Party. He needs to get aggressive on these issues or he will find a large number of his supporters looking for a truly progressive candidate to replace him in the next election. Please, Mr. President, get real on energy, the environment, the War in Iraq, the bailouts, and healthcare. There is no better time.
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Sunday, June 07, 2009

Awww... Poor Repubs Upset AGAIN!

  • President Obama speaks
  • Republicans get upset
This time it's healthcare. What's the problem this time? President Obama suggested that the federal government create a healthcare program to compete with the insurance companies - the same companies who will not insure you if you have a pre-existing condition or have a lapse in your health insurance coverage. Republicans don't want the government to compete with the "for profit companies" and provide better coverage than what those companies provide. They don't want Americans to have the kind of coverage that they receive as members of Congress. HYPOCRITES!!! That's all Republicans are anymore. HYPOCRITES! I am sick of their whining about the "destruction of capitalism" while they continue to give subsidies to huge corporations and accept their own perks and benefits from the government while cutting trying to keep everybody else else from receiving the benefit of quality healthcare. These Republicans and their families should be put on basic Aetna policies for a couple of years and see what tune they are whistling then. We have over $20,000 of debt because of Aetna's so-called "coverage."

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Network Magic – No Magic Here

Although I have been using HomeNet Manager on our wireless home network with success for the the past year, I thought I would try Network Magic since we use a Cisco/Linksys Router (WRT54G2), and since Pure Networks has recently come under the Cisco umbrella. I thought that this switch might clear up some minor issues I have had with SingleClick Systems HomeNet Manager. NOT TRUE! I completely uninstalled HNM from all our computers, rebooted and installed Network Magic. The problems were immediate. Network Magic could not identify my router – not a good start. It then could not recognize that Network Magic was installed on the other computers – giving warnings that Network Magic needed to be installed. Finally, it could not access the HP printer connected to one of the computers. I went through the help files to attempt to resolve these issues with no success. I have since reinstalled HomeNet Manager, and things are working once again. No, it’s not perfect, but it is immensely better for our wireless home network than the “magic” of Cisco.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

War in Iraq - Clock

6 Years & 64 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths – 5,553

Wounded – 31,249

Iraqi Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

Deaths – well over 1,000,000

Wounded – No Mechanism to Track (conservative estimates are in the millions)


President Obama, why is there still no end in sight for this war?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Rep. Pete Hoekstra “…very very serious charge” – LMAO

Representative Pete Hoekstra is now criticizing Speaker Pelosi for her remarks surrounding the CIA briefings on torture and saying that accusing the CIA of lying is a “very very serious charge.” WHAT?! Accusing the best liars in the United States Government of lying is a “serious charge”? This has to be one of the most laughable quotes of the year. If Rep. Hoekstra truly believes that the CIA tells the truth to Congress or anyone else, he is delusional at best and should check himself into a mental health facility. How many reams of declassified material have to be released before he believes that the CIA lies, defrauds, steals, destroys, murders, etc.? Mr. Hoekstra probably likes to cherry-pick his intelligence like former Vice-President Cheney. Demanding a particular piece of intelligence from the CIA is like requesting a particular flavor of ice cream from Baskin-Robbins. The CIA wants us to believe that they are in the business of collecting intelligence. In fact, they are in the business of manipulating intelligence in order to achieve whatever goal they are working toward at a particular moment. And telling Pelosi to prove that the CIA is lying when the information needed to prove such an accusation is classified – well, that is simply stupid.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Lindsey Graham: They Are Not Criminals

In reference to the hearings on the Bush administration’s process and decisions to approve techniques like water boarding when interrogating suspected terrorists:

“It goes back to what the administration was trying to do. If you are trying to commit a crime, it seems to me that’s the last thing you would want to do. If you had it in your mind and heart that you’re going to disregard the law, and you’re going to come up with interrogation techniques that you know to be illegal, you would not go around telling people on the other side of the aisle about it. You would not be getting legal advice.”

How stupid is this guy? Of course you would be telling people on the other side of the aisle. Of course you would be getting legal advice. WHY?!? You bring your opposition in on the plan and get legal advice that supports your plan so that when the time comes to judge your actions, you can claim that nobody stood in your way. Nobody told you that what you were doing was wrong – no matter how wrong it was. It’s the same reason that they attempted to write into law that members of their administration could not be later prosecuted for their actions. THEY KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING WAS ILLEGAL!!! HELLO!!! ARE THERE ANY LIVING BRAIN CELLS INSIDE YOUR CRANIUM, MR. GRAHAM? Lindsey Graham is an ass. He knows exactly why Bush/Cheney did what they did, and that is why he is now playing “Dick Cheney” during these hearings.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Cheney’s Postgame Cheerleading

Former Vice President Cheney is still on the circuit defending the indefensible. During an appearance on “Face the Nation” on Sunday, Mr. Cheney that he had no regrets over policies put in place during the Bush administration and is “absolutely convinced we saved thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of lives.”

I am sick of hearing this crap from a man who should be in prison. First, I do not believe that the pro-torture, warrantless wiretap, spying on citizen policies of the Bush administration saved a single life. And, even if it could be proved that lives were saved using these anti-American, unconstitutional techniques, I would rather be less safe and have my freedom than to live in a fascist state. I am not afraid of Al Quaeda or the Taliban or any other terrorist group, so long as I am given the right to defend myself. I am much safer on a plane where pilots can carry weapons than on a plane where there may or may not be a federal marshal on board. I am safer in a mall where there are people who have a license to carry a concealed weapon than I am in a mall where there are unarmed guards. I am safer in a nation that requires that the government take every precaution to protect my liberty than one where it wants the right to use torture and tap my phone without probable cause. The problem in this country is that we are too comfortable. We do not want to sacrifice time, effort, nor money (let alone life or limb) to protect the liberties we now enjoy. The attitude is: “Let them take some of my freedom, just don’t require me to think or expect me to move from this couch.”

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where the Libertarian/Freedom Movement Fails

I am a libertarian. Or, perhaps I should say, “I want to be a libertarian.” That being said, I realize that in writing this post, I will receive much criticism for it.

I have heard many in the Libertarian/Freedom Movement camps use terms like “over my dead body” when referring to the government taking away fundamental freedoms, but a very minute percentage of those who use such terms have sacrificed anything but their own liberty while the government with the aid of large corporations have taken our wealth, health, and freedom. Over the past 2 centuries, our liberties have steadily eroded. Despite the emergence over past half century of libertarianism, freedom movements, and new parties that support a return to our founding principles, the erosion has continued. There has been some very limited success in getting people elected from these groups. Here some reasons why I believe these groups have not succeeded:

  • Sold out/wimped out in defending the small business and individual against the large corporation and government.
  • Stopped defending all of our civil liberties to focus on the “right to bear arms” – forgetting that all of our liberties are needed to survive and prosper.
  • Lay silent as real money (gold and silver coins owned mainly by individuals and small businesses) were stolen by the federal government. (I am referring to a singular event that marked my almost complete loss of faith in the “freedom movement.”)
  • Allowed usurpation by elements of the “Christian Right.” 
  • Allowed a few individuals to act as self-appointed spokespersons/leaders of the “freedom movement” without accountability.

I have been a registered “Libertarian” for the past 20-some years, and I have voted for Libertarians when the choice was available to me. However, I have no faith that Libertarians (or other libertarian groups) will succeed unless they resist the pressure and influence of religious groups, large corporations, charismatic populists, and the government. Libertarians need to be heard defending the individual and small business, holding leaders accountable for their words and actions, rejecting “single issue” groups who want to forward their cause by using the libertarians, and standing against groups who would inject religious viewpoints.

Before Ron Paul supporters begin jumping down my throat, I believe that he was the best hope we have had for restoring our liberties since he last ran on the Libertarian ticket. Unfortunately, the older generation in this country was holding to a false sense of patriotism and gave their vote to McCain. Had Dr. Paul been able to bring that group to support him, I believe Dr. Paul would be our president today.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Reich Has It Right

In his article at the Huffington Post, Robert Reich takes on the AIG apologists and gives valid reason for what many are calling the “nationalization” of failing banks. In his closing paragraph, Reich states:

“Apart from AIG's sophistry is a much larger point. This sordid story of government helplessness in the face of massive taxpayer commitments illustrates better than anything to date why the government should take over any institution that's "too big to fail" and which has cost taxpayers dearly. Such institutions are no longer within the capitalist system because they are no longer accountable to the market. So to whom should they be accountable? When taxpayers have put up, and essentially own, a large portion of their assets, AIG and other behemoths should be accountable to taxpayers. When our very own Secretary of the Treasury cannot make stick his decision that AIG's bonuses should not be paid, only one conclusion can be drawn: AIG is accountable to no one. Our democracy is seriously broken.”

Monday, March 16, 2009

War in Iraq

2184 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths – 4,924

Wounded – 31,089

Iraqi Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

Deaths – 1,320,110

Wounded – No Mechanism to Track (conservative estimates are in the millions)


An Innocent Muslim

Recently I received a “tweet” from a person whom I admire greatly and have been following on Twitter. It went something like this - “who do you think are the ‘coolest Christians’?” The answers that came back from others who follow his tweets were interesting, but not surprising. However, a few of his own responses puzzled me – for this reason. Several of the people whom he considers to be “cool Christians,” I have difficulty giving the title Christian at all. They are people I consider “Bushians” not Christians. By supporting Bush, they encouraged the killing of innocent Muslims, the torture of prisoners of war, the devaluation of our currency to the detriment of our economy, and the destruction of our civil liberties for the sake of a war on an unnamed enemy - “terror.” One of the “cool Christians” mentioned on his list has been quoted as saying that there is “no such thing as an innocent Muslim.” I wish that I could introduce that person to the thousands of Iraqi children burned beyond recognition by “white phosphorus” and then see if he could tell me that there is no such thing as an innocent Muslim.

Oil Companies Looking for Pity

The oil companies have created a new ad campaign to battle the push for cleaner domestic fuels. The campaign is quite slick. An attractive woman dressed in business attire walks onto the set and tells us that 2/3 of America’s oil and natural gas come from North America. Did you catch that? She says, “oil AND NATURAL GAS.” That’s how she can use the 2/3 figure – because it includes natural gas. If she were speaking only of oil, she would have to say 1/3. If you go to the website that she mentions - - you can read the sob story of how new “energy taxes… could produce devastating effects on our economy.” Never mind the horrible effect that the ridiculous profits being reaped by the oil companies and the OPEC nations has had on our economy already. It’s time for the oil companies to pay up. It’s past time for us to stop listening to the lies from BIG OIL and break our addiction on foreign and domestic oil.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ed Rollins Wants Truth... Really?

Ed Rollins is all-of-a-sudden wanting truth about the economy and the budget. He says that President Obama is not giving us the whole picture and that the situation is much worse than we know. My questions are these: Where were you, Ed, when President Bush was lying to promote the war with Iraq? Where were you when billions went missing in defense spending? Why was your voice not heard then? Why?... because you're a hypocrite, Ed. You only want the truth when it's convenient - like so many of your colleagues. If the truth does not help you to promote your agenda, you ignore it. Right now, you think the truth about the economy will help you in bashing President Obama. I think you'll find yourself once again on the wrong side. The President has been giving us quite dire warnings about the economy. However, unlike you, he realizes that forever cutting taxes while increasing defense spending to fight an unnecessary war will not save our economy. THAT is the TRUTH.

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Thursday, January 22, 2009

War in Iraq - War in Gaza - Clocks

2131 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths - 4,870

Wounded - 3,096

23 Days since the start of the War in Gaza

Gazan Casualties since the start of the War in Gaza

Deaths - 1,284

Wounded - 4,336

Israeli Casualties since the start of the War in Gaza

Deaths - 13

Wounded - no report


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Senate Republicans Believe Torture Is OK

By delaying the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General of the United States on the grounds that he may prosecute intelligence agents for torture, Senate Republicans are saying, in effect, that torture should be legal. The Republicans are saying that if the agents were following orders and acting within what they believed to be legal guidelines, they should not face prosecution. Really? Whatever happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"? Is that not what these same Republicans tell marijuana users and those who partake of alcohol before the legal age - people who are harming no one, except, maybe themselves? Yet, somehow, people who torture other human beings are to be exempt if they are following orders and believe what they are doing is legal. How two-faced and hypocritical can you be? What stupidity! I say, "Prosecute these Senate Republicans for not following nor defending the Constitution of the United States."
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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Does This Surprise Us?

Pentagon: Ex-Gitmo Detainees Resume Terror Acts

Uh… no kidding? You take a man from his family, friends, and country; accuse him of terrible acts; give him no trial, no access to a fair legal system; (in some cases – torture him); then you release him. What do you think he is going to do? I mean, seriously, if this happened to me – even if I had never committed an act of terrorism in my life – I would certainly be considering committing such an act after being released. We, along with the Israelis, are creating terrorists. We cage these men for years, show them no human dignity whatsoever and then expect them to what? – just let it pass? – forget it ever happened? That’s ridiculous!! It’s insane. Many of us in the United States were asking after 9/11, “why do they hate us?” Now we should be asking, “why shouldn’t they hate us?”

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Monday, January 12, 2009


The following post is a response to the video at:

This guy, Allan Sloan, in this "Fortune - CNN" video claims to have "been around forever" and know practically all there is to know about investing and the SEC. He rants and whines while making up ridiculously vague reasons why the SEC should not be blamed for missing the Madoff scandal. Oh, it's not the SEC's fault that they allowed investment firms to police themselves for two decades. It's not the SEC's fault that they ignored tips that clearly raised suspicion that Madoff was stealing. No, we have to expect that these things are just going to happen. As Sloan says in the video, it's more likely that the SEC will catch small-time violators than the Madoffs of the world. What an arrogant idiot!

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

War in Iraq - Clock

2120 Days since the start of the War in Iraq

U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq

(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)

Deaths - 4861

Wounded - 30934


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Israel Calls For Patience While They Kill More Innnocents

While hundreds of innocent Palestinians are killed, Israel has the gull to ask for patience. Never mind that the continued bombing, death and destruction is driving more Palestinians toward the way of the terrorists. Ignore that Israel promotes tolerance toward itself while it demands that it not be required to be tolerant toward Christians, Muslims, Buddhists or other religions and races. We are simply to remain "patient" while they cleanse Palestine. Representative Dennis Kucinich stated clearly what the position of the United States should be in this short statement on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives.
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Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Israel Bombing People In A Cage

People in the United States need to wake up and speak out – especially those Christians who have been brainwashed to believe that the Israel of today is the same as the Israel of thousands of years ago. Today’s Israel behaves more like Nazi Germany than a free democracy. Freedom of speech does not exist there. I dare any of the radical right wing preachers here in the United States to go to Tel Aviv and begin preaching the gospel of Jesus. They will be arrested. Reporters inside Gaza are being targeted by the military. Now, they are brazenly bombing schools. It is time to stop supporting this radical regime in Israel. Cut off the supply of arms and aid that is allowing Israel to continue its slaughter of innocent civilians. Stop this insanity NOW!