Monday, March 16, 2009

Oil Companies Looking for Pity

The oil companies have created a new ad campaign to battle the push for cleaner domestic fuels. The campaign is quite slick. An attractive woman dressed in business attire walks onto the set and tells us that 2/3 of America’s oil and natural gas come from North America. Did you catch that? She says, “oil AND NATURAL GAS.” That’s how she can use the 2/3 figure – because it includes natural gas. If she were speaking only of oil, she would have to say 1/3. If you go to the website that she mentions - - you can read the sob story of how new “energy taxes… could produce devastating effects on our economy.” Never mind the horrible effect that the ridiculous profits being reaped by the oil companies and the OPEC nations has had on our economy already. It’s time for the oil companies to pay up. It’s past time for us to stop listening to the lies from BIG OIL and break our addiction on foreign and domestic oil.

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