By delaying the confirmation of Eric Holder as Attorney General of the United States on the grounds that he may prosecute intelligence agents for torture, Senate Republicans are saying, in effect, that torture should be legal. The Republicans are saying that if the agents were following orders and acting within what they believed to be legal guidelines, they should not face prosecution. Really? Whatever happened to "ignorance of the law is no excuse"? Is that not what these same Republicans tell marijuana users and those who partake of alcohol before the legal age - people who are harming no one, except, maybe themselves? Yet, somehow, people who torture other human beings are to be exempt if they are following orders and believe what they are doing is legal. How two-faced and hypocritical can you be? What stupidity! I say, "Prosecute these Senate Republicans for not following nor defending the Constitution of the United States."
Technorati Tags: eric holder, attorney general, constitution, united states, senate republicans, ignorance of the law, hypocritical
Technorati Tags: eric holder, attorney general, constitution, united states, senate republicans, ignorance of the law, hypocritical
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