Warren Buffett, during a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton, admitted to only paying 18% on his income toward taxes as apposed to the 32-35% paid by his subordinates. In fact, he offered a million dollars to anyone in the audience who could find an employer who was paying a higher percentage in taxes than his/her employees. Finally, an honest rich man has stepped for forward to speak out for the working men and women of this country. Let's see how long it takes for some of the nation's rich to begin whining about Buffett's remarks. My guess is that it will be less than a day.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Despite video and eyewitness evidence to the contrary, John Gross, lead engineer of the NIST report said that he knows of no evidence of molten steel pouring from the Twin Towers on 9/11 nor pools of molten steel at the base of the towers after the collapse. This is a bold faced lie. Watch the video and hear the firefighters speak for themselves. John Gross is a liar and has completely discredited himself as an engineer. Maybe he can get a job with Fox News.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Gevity LIES
Follow-up to "AETNA - Get It Right - Chance 1"
We have heard back from both companies, AETNA and Gevity, and after cornering the Gevity rep with the evidence we have collected, she finally admitted that Gevity was the company who entered the wrong information into the their systems when we signed up for our AETNA PPO insurance plan. Instead, Gevity signed us up for an indemnity plan (basically, a reimbursement plan). Now, Gevity is saying that they will pay our unpaid claims from the time that we were on the wrong plan. Do I believe this? No. Why, because I had surgery during this time and my bills totaled over $10,000. We have requested Gevity's "promise" to pay in writing but have not received it. I believe that we will be battling this out in court shortly, and the evidence is on our side. I'll keep you posted.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Can You Imagine U.S. News Corporations Doing This?
I find the topic of this report from the BBC to be absolutely remarkable. Why? The report referenced in the article at the URL above is one that criticizes and warns the BBC of the difficulties of remaining impartial and trustworthy in its reporting. What makes the report so remarkable is that is was commissioned by the BBC governors. If this were to happen in the United States, I think the public would collectively faint, especially if Rupert Murdoch's FOX News would be willing to participate.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Mom: Missing Mentally Disabled Son, Illegally Deported
More evidence that the federal government under this administration is out of control - this time a sheriff's department and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency deported a mentally disabled man to Tijuana, Mexico after getting him to sign a form agreeing to voluntary deportment even though is a legal U.S. citizen. Now the family of the man is in Mexico desperately searching for the man, Pedro Guzman of Lancaster, California.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
TSA denies 'sippy cup' mistreatment - Travel News - MSNBC.com
From the video shown by MSNBC and Monica Emmerson's version of the incident, you would be convinced that the TSA was in the wrong in this case. However, if you go to the TSA's site and view the full videos and their report, you can plainly see that Ms. Emmerson, after being told to dump out the "sippy cup" simply pours it on the floor. There is no attempt on her part to bring the cup to her mouth to drink the liquid, as she claims. Does this mean that TSA agents do not abuse their authority? NO!
In my own experience, my wife and I were attempting to get through airport security with our young twins, being rushed by being told at least 5 times within a one minute period to "keep the line moving" while trying to keep track of both of our 7 year olds, take off our coats and empty our pockets at the same time. When I was almost to the checkpoint, the agent sitting in his "highchair" told me directly to move more quickly. I became angry and said, "I am trying my best, but we have young children to watch." At this point, I was stopped in the checkpoint, 2 additional TSA agents appeared, and asked if they could take the cowboy boots that I had been wearing. Ten minutes later, the agents appeared with my boots and told me that I could leave. Three people who I do not know were so shocked by what they saw that they offered me their names, addresses and phone numbers to use as witnesses if I decided to file a greivance with the TSA. I never did, but after witnessing several abuses myself since that time, I wish I had. The TSA agents seem to forget that they are public servants working on the taxpayer dollar. Some common courtesy should be afforded us who are at the mercy of their every whim. Using these types of initimidation tactics amounts to martial law.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
AETNA - Get It Right - Chance 1
OR - My Own "Sicko" Episode
At this time, I am going to stop short of calling AETNA Insurance a scam. However, if you go to any of the major complaint sites on the Internet (like RipOffReport.com) and do a search on AETNA, you might wonder about my decision to "bite my tongue."
Here is our situation. My wife is the subscriber to our health insurance through her employer (whom I will not name). Her employer uses a company called Gevity to coordinate the company's benefits. I am still not certain how much of our current dilemma with AETNA is the fault of Gevity's handling of the contract with AETNA, but for now, all I know is that AETNA is not paying claims.
Until July of 2006, my wife and I were paying directly for our own health insurance. At that time, my wife's employer decided to begin providing health insurance as a benefit. We looked at the plan, asked lots of questions, and decided that the national PPO plan that was being offered would be worth making the switch, instead of continuing to pay for our own insurance. We are beginning to seriously question that decision.
Apparently, when my wife and her colleagues were entered into the AETNA system, they were put under an "indemnity plan" instead of the national PPO to which they were to have been subscribed. For those of you who do not know, an indemnity plan basically reimburses the subscriber for a portion of the medical bills which the subscriber must first pay "out of pocket." Needless to say, when we found this out, we began complaining rather loudly to my wife's employer, to Gevity and to AETNA. In November of 2006, Gevity and/or AETNA issued the correct policy telling us that the bills from the previous 4 months would need to be resubmitted, and they would be paid under the PPO. After almost a year of complaining, questioning, proposed solutions, etc., we are no closer to having these claims paid than when this fiasco began.
We have jumped through every hoop that has been placed before us by AETNA and Gevity. We have remained very patient, giving both companies ample time to sort this out. We have exercised restraint and have not filed complaints with the Insurance Commissions of Pennsylvania (our home state), California (the headquarters of my wife's employer), Florida (the headquarters of Gevity) nor Kentucky (the headquarters of AETNA). That is about to change. We have contacted Gevity and AETNA and notified them that they have until this Friday, June 15, 2007 to have this resolved to our satisfaction, or we will be filing formal complaints in all of the aforementioned states with both their insurance regulating bodies and their Attorneys General. After reading many of the complaints on RipOffReport.com, I am beginning to believe that this is the only way that action ever takes place at AETNA. They have a terrible record of creating mountains of red tape to avoid paying claims in a timely manner, if at all.
By the way, this is "chance number 1" for AETNA to get it right. Chance number 2 will be when the Insurance Commissions and Attorneys General come after them. Chance number 3 will be when take them to court.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Lieberman Has Lost Common Sense
Senator Lieberman has become a complete hawk. He supports the war with Iraq despite the fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. The terrorists did not originate from there, and Saddam Hussein was a sworn enemy of Osama bin Laden. Now, Lieberman wants us to consider a military strike on Iran because of their "involvement" in Iraq. What a dolt! If we had never invaded Iraq, Hussein would still be in power, keeping Iran at bay and being no threat to us. Instead, because of Lieberman's beloved war with Iraq, Iran's power is now growing in the region, - especially in Iraq - and they are developing nuclear technology. Yes, we do need to keep a trained eye on Iran, but a strike at this moment would not be wise. Our military is over-extended, under-protected, and new recruits are under-trained. Those who are injured do not receive adequate care and support. Obviously, this is no matter to Lieberman. His children are not going to die in this war. I wonder how many Lieberman, Bush and Cheney relatives are serving on the front-lines in this war. How easy it must be to stick out someone else's neck.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Adubato Defends His Industry, Not The Truth
Steve Adubato says that Al Gore's attack on the mainstream media in his latest book is "somewhat" legitimate. WRONG, STEVE! Al Gore's attack is completely legitimate. Your analysis of his attack is illegitimate. You base your analysis on your "gut feeling" that Al Gore hates television because he's "not good when he's on it," sighting his "loss" of the 2000 election. You do not even have the facts of the 2000 election correct. You say that one reason Gore lost in 2000 had to do with the way he acted on television. This is nuts. Did you even read the analysis of the Florida vote proving that had every vote been counted properly, Gore WOULD HAVE WON! You, Mr. Adubato, are a blustering "talking head" who is so frightened by the facts that the only way for you to argue Gore's use of them is to say that they do not matter. What a jerk!
Friday, June 01, 2007
PHEAA Cheats Students Out Of Needed Aid
Not only have PHEAA's lawmaker board members spent taxpayer money on expensive retreats and banquets, but it also spent more than $400,000 in legal fees in an attempt to keep the information secret. The Attorney General of Pennsylvania should be bringing formal charges against these board members and filing suits against them in order to have at least some of that wasted money returned to the PHEAA funds reserved for helping students pay for college. These lawmakers need to be publicly embarrassed and "raked over the coals."