Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Limbaugh Shows His Rascism

Yesterday, I caught just a few minutes of the Rush Limbaugh show, which I have not heard for over a decade. In just the few minutes that I listened, he said that people in Philadelphia who dared not to vote for Barack Obama needed to be afraid of being attacked by the "Black Panthers." Is this where Rush Limbaugh has gone - to blatant race baiting? The last time I heard his show was when Bill Clinton was president. I did not like him then either, but at least he was able to use intelligence and humor to get his point across. Now, apparently, his intellect is sinking or he is feeling so desperate that he believes race baiting is the only way to make his point and save his ratings, which are no where near what they were in the 1990's. It appears that Limbaugh is now just a washed-up, irrelevant mouthpiece for the neo-cons.

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