Technorati Tags: Jade Simmons, pianist, educator, speaker, designer, artist, choreographer, percussionist
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Jade Simmons - Talent To Spare
Technorati Tags: Jade Simmons, pianist, educator, speaker, designer, artist, choreographer, percussionist
Monday, November 17, 2008
War in Iraq - Clock
2065 Days since the start of the War in Iraq
U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq
(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)
Deaths - 4828
Wounded - 30802
Gulf War Illness Is REAL
Friday, November 07, 2008
War in Iraq - Clock
2055 Days since the start of the War in Iraq
U.S. Military Casualties since the start of the War in Iraq
(Includes casualties from fighting in Afghanistan)
Deaths - 4817
Wounded - 30802
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Republicans Dig The Hole - Democrats Look For Way To Climb Out
What is it with this country? The Republicans have been making it very clear with their last 3 presidents. They will completely abandon the party platform to spend us into HUGE deficits, engage in preemptive strikes to start wars, trounce our individual liberties for more centralized power, and hand hundreds of billions of dollars to corporations and the wealthy. Yet, Americans will COMPLETELY IGNORE these facts and elect the Republicans back into power after DEMOCRATS balance the budget, reform welfare, improve our infrastructure, and keep us at peace.
It's remarkable! No matter how many times the Republicans break their promises of "small government, balanced budgets, and a strong economy," the citizens of this country keep getting suckered and voting them back into power. It's as if the country has "Attention Deficit Disorder" and cannot remember what happened during the last president's term. This country really is easily distracted from the truth and from the issues of national importance. The population becomes wrapped up with the sex life of a president and ignores the gains made in the economy, schools, and healthcare.
So, here we are again. This time, we are left with at least $1,500,000,000,000 in debt. There is at least $800,000,000,000 of debt from the war in Iraq, and another $700,000,000,000 more to bailout the banks and mortgage companies. THANK YOU, REPUBLICANS! Can we dig out from under it? Yes, We Can! Will the country remember how difficult it was and demand that Republicans return to their platform before they elect them back into power? If history is an indicator, I doubt it. The electorate will find some trivial reason for ignoring the big picture and put the deficit spending, liberty raping Republicans right back in the White House to do it again.
ADDENDUM: From today's headlines...
(CBS/AP) Long-term jobless claims reached 3.84 million, a 25-year high, according to the U.S. Labor Department. Prior to this report, government data showed that retail sales in October sank to it's worst showing since 1969. Worker productivity slowed down by 3.6 percent, the Labor Department reported.