The so-called "Dr. Phil" needs to get a clue. Giving advice on a show as if he has the training of a psychologist or psychiatrist (which he does not) and making judgements about people without complete information or having a person completely evaluated by medical professionals should get this guy kicked off the air.
Recently, there was a "Dr. Phil" show about couples and husbands who are supposedly not pulling their weight. On that show, one of the men said that he had not been able to hold down a job because he could not wake up in the morning. Of course, Mr. McGraw jumped all over him. Trouble is, he never had the guy evaluated. Mr. "Know-it-all McGraw" doesn't know that what the guy was describing are typical symptoms of certain neurological conditions. I have one of them. It's called hydrocephalus. Before I received my shunt, I could not wake up in the morning without someone shaking me or my bed and calling my name loudly many times. Even then, the person waking me had to check on me to be certain that I had actually sat up and begun to get myself dressed. Disgracing a person with a possible neurological condition is probably the worst thing he could do. In my opinion, Mr. McGraw is a charlatan and a quack. He makes "off the cuff" remarks that are uninformed and damaging.
Now, I have read that his "team" has bailed out one of the teenagers accused of beating another girl who was invited to her "friend's" house. How intelligent is this? Information could come out on the show that could make evidence in the case inadmissible in court and cause these teens to never have to suffer the consequences of their actions. This would be a great injustice to the girl who was beaten.
If you care about restoring responsibility and sanity to the media, I urge you to boycott the "Dr. Phil" show and its advertisers. If people want "sensational" TV, that's fine. Let them watch something like Survivor or Big Brother. But a show that touts its host as being a "doctor" and giving helpful advice but does just the opposite should not be on the air at all.
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