Our election system has many flaws, the most serious of them - in my opinion - being the lack of accountability and security in casting and counting votes. However, another problem that is almost as important is the use of delegates to send to a convention where the candidates for the major parties will be selected. I have just looked at the numbers from the Iowa Caucuses, and I find them to be quite disturbing. See if they make sense to you.
For reference, the population of Iowa is 2,926,324. The percentage of the population who cast a vote in this caucus: 4%
On the Republican side:
- Delegates at stake: 40
- Super Delegates: 0
- Total Votes Cast for Republicans (with 96% of precincts reporting): 116,114
- Percentage of Total Population Casting Republican Votes: 3.96%
Candidate Numbers (with 96% of precincts reporting)
- Mike Huckabee - Votes Received: 39,814 (34%) Delegates Received: 30 (75%)
- Mitt Romney - Votes Received: 29,405 (25%) Delegates Received: 7 (17.5%)
- Fred Thompson - Votes Received: 15,521 (13%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- John McCain - Votes Received: 15,248 (13%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Ron Paul - Votes Received: 11,598 (10%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Rudy Giuliani - Votes Received: 4,013 (3%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Duncan Hunter - Votes Received: 515 (0%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
Percentage of Voters Ignored by Delegates: 46%
On the Democrat side:
- Delegates at stake: 57
- Super Delegates: 0
- Total Votes Cast for Democrats: 2,497
- Percentage of Total Population Casting Democrat Votes: 0.09%
Candidate Numbers (with all precincts reporting)
- Barack Obama - Votes Received: 940 (38%) Delegates Received: 16 (28%)
- John Edwards - Votes Received: 744 (30%) Delegates Received: 14 (24.5%)
- Hillary Clinton - Votes Received: 737 (30%) Delegates Received: 15 (26%)
- Bill Richardson - Votes Received: 52 (2%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Joe Biden - Votes Received: 23 (1%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Chris Dodd - Votes Received: 1 (0%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Mike Gravel - Votes Received: 0 (0%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
- Dennis Kucinich - Votes Received: 0 (0%) Delegates Received: 0 (0%)
Percentage of Voters Ignored by Delegates: 22.5%
This is screwed up! It's RIDICULOUS! Less than 8% of eligible voters went to the polls to vote in this Caucus. In the Democrat's Caucus only 2,497 total votes were cast to win a total of 57 delegates. That's insane!! Only 44 votes per delegate?! Why? hmmm.... let's see. Could it be that the voters believe that their vote will count for NOTHING?!? Thirty percent of all Iowans are registered as Independents. They are automatically shut out of the Caucuses. This is abhorrent, but I will save that discussion for another time. The huge majority of the remaining registered voters do not vote in the primaries, and it is no wonder. If I had voted in the Republican Caucus for Fred Thompson (who received 13% of the vote), my vote would have been for NOTHING! Mr. Thompson will not receive a delegate from this Caucus. If I had voted in the Democratic Caucus for Barack Obama, my vote may well have been one of the 26% of the votes for Mr. Obama that will not be represented by a delegate. Again, I would have voted for NOTHING!
Everyday, the federal government steals more and more of our wealth, our freedoms, and our country away from us. If want it to stop, you cannot keep your mouth shut and sit on your hands.
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