In a recent article, Dinesh D'Souza again gets his facts and thus his suppositions incorrect. Speaking about the difference between World War II and the War on Terror, Mr. D'Souza says, "The real difference, I think, is that during World War 2 there was a national consensus in America that this war will not end until Germany and Japan are totally defeated. In other words, nothing short of total victory is acceptable."
No, Mr. D'Souza, the real difference is that the United States was actually fighting an enemy that attacked us in World War II, at least in the case of Japan. Had we stayed out of the first World War, Germany would never have turned to Nazism nor Hitler's ambitions for world domination. In addition, there would have been no need to battle them in World War II.
The real difference is that the citizens of the U.S. are learning about the lies that began the war in Iraq much more quickly than they learned of the lies that began our involvement in fighting Germany in World War I. We already know that Iraq had NOTHING to do with the War on Terror and that Al Quaeda's presence in Iraq has come about because of our own presence there. We know (because of Bush and Cheney's own words on air) that the war in Iraq is about oil. This war was never about weapons of mass destruction nor imagined "ties to Al Quaeda" as fed to the news media before troops were sent into Iraq.
The real difference, Mr. D'Souza, is that we knew about Abu Ghraib in the middle of the war in Iraq. The U.S. public did not learn about Japanese detention centers until well after WWII had ended.
Mr. D'Souza mentions Bush's superior will, comparing him to Clausewitz and Sun Tzu - what a monstrous load of rodent dung. Superior will for what, Mr. D'Souza? For more oil? For more money? Your judgement of character is severely lacking, Mr. D'Souza. By the way, do you motivate soldiers by giving them a false purpose for their mission, by encouraging them to sexually humiliate their imprisoned enemies, and by allowing innocent people to be detained for years without cause or charge before releasing them? WAKE UP!! There is nothing superior about Bush. He is an inept, unintelligent, and arrogant person not fit for the office of President of the United States.