Well, isn't this just special?! Our astronauts, who receive training costing millions of dollars and are responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars of equipment - not to mention the fact that they are putting their lives on the line - decide to act like they're on a college campus! Getting drunk the night before a launch; worse yet, drunk during liftoff!!! What do the leaders of NASA have to say about this? They think it's "not a problem." NOT A PROBLEM?! Do they think that the whole of U.S. citizens are idiots? Do they think that we really believe the crap coming out of their mouths? I am so fed up with the lack of responsibility and accountability from NASA at this point that it would not bother me if entire agency would be scrapped and turned over to the private sector. I have nothing but disgust for these "god complex" inflicted clowns. Who do they think pays for their training, salaries, health care, and all that equipment? Save our tax money! Let the private sector take the risk.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Russia More Dangerous Under Putin Than Khrushchev
When a national leader is willing to assassinate his perceived enemies in foreign lands using dangerous radioactive materials, he is no longer a "president," "prime minister," nor "general secretary." At that point he is a despot, a dictator, and a terrorist. Yes, Vladimir Putin is a terrorist. He wants us to believe that those fighting for their freedom in Chechnya are terrorists, but that is not the case. If the freedom fighters of Chechnya are terrorists, then George Washington, Paul Revere, and Patrick Henry were terrorists. George Bush has given a terrible tool to the heads of states who are trying to quell groups fighting for their freedom. All they need to do is label the groups as terrorists. After that, they can unleash hell upon anyone whom they "suspect" as being a "terrorist." President Bush's meeting with Vladimir Putin speaks volumes about where the real threat to our freedoms lie.
Real ID Is Underhanded Federal ID
First, I would recommend that you view this so-called "National Town Hall Meeting on Real ID." Many of the issues that make the Real ID a bad idea were presented during the meeting. Interestingly, the meeting was put on with only 8 days notice to the public. Eight days - is that all the citizens of the United States deserve to prepare to meet and discuss such an important topic? I say it's disgraceful. Please note when watching the video how there is no response to the comments made by the representative of the Center for Democracy & Technology.
Why do I say it's an underhanded Federal ID? The first reason is that it is required from the states by the federal government. Second, there is a requirement that information within the state databases be share between the states. How can any state secure the transfer of information so that it only passes between those individuals and/or systems authorized to have the information? It cannot be done.
This program is being promoted using the same fear-mongering tactics that were used to pass the anti-"Patriot Act" after 9/11. The claims are that the drivers licensing process within the states must be made more secure because the terrorists were able to obtain licenses. However, the simple fact is that the terrorists obtained their licenses legally. Nothing would stop them from receiving a drivers license even with the "Real ID" system in place unless the information obtained by the states during the issuing of a drivers license was to be shared with the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. The feds say this is not going to happen and that there will be no "centralized database." Right - I believe that one. And the FBI never abused the authorities given them under the Patriot Act. Tell me another one.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
David McDade Is A Scumbag
Douglas County (Georgia) District Attorney David McDade has been handing out copies of a tape showing teenagers engaging in oral sex. The tapes have been going to news agencies upon request under the "Freedom of Information Act." McDade knows better. Teenagers engaging in a sex act on tape is child pornography, and a federal prosecutor agrees. McDade is upset because of the outcry about the harsh sentence handed down to Genarlow Wilson for participating in consensual sex between himself (17 years old at the time) and a 15 year old girl. For this act, Genarlow received a 10 year prison sentence (outrageous, in my opinion). Many people are arguing that the sentence is too harsh and are calling for a reduction, if not an elimination, of the sentence. In my opinion, McDade's agreement to handing out copies of the tape is retaliatory. He probably thinks that it will help turn public opinion in his favor. I personally hope that it gets him disbarred and gives him his own jail sentence. What a pig!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The Truth About U.S. Healthcare
I just watched a video on YouTube.com of an interview between Wolf Blitzer and Michael Moore concerning Moore's new film "Sicko." Sadly, CNN ran a hit piece by Dr. Sanjay Gupta just before the interview began which infuriated Moore and rightly so. CNN owes Moore an apology. The piece by Gupta claims to check Sicko's facts but gets its own facts incorrect. You can see the entire interview and the real facts here on Moore's site. I have gone through each point that Moore makes about Gupta's attacks, and Moore's facts check out. The real fact is that the message brought to us in "Sicko" is real. It's about real Americans facing real failures by our healthcare system. I urge everyone to see it. I also urge you to find and support alternative news sources because even those that formerly provided balanced views on the issues are now moving far to the right in support of their sponsors. I am very much enjoying the hammering that some "reporters" and "pundits" are receiving from their guests. Here's another one you might enjoy - Jon Stewart hammering the hosts of CNN's Crossfire.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
In Praise of Dead White Men - News Bloggers
In Praise of Dead White Men - News Bloggers
D'Souza still misses the mark. He writes in praise of the founding fathers' understanding that slavery was wrong and their foresight that it would take time to destroy the institution. However, he completely jumps past their ownership of slaves - a practice in which they certainly could have chosen NOT to participate. Those who wish to simply heap praise upon the founding fathers without taking an honest critical look at their lives are doing no justice to the history of our country. We need as much truth as we can obtain in order to move forward socially, politically and economically. D'Souza also leaves out that Lincoln wrote that if he could have won the war without freeing the slaves, he would have done so. Yes, the founding fathers are to be praised, but they are also to be criticized for not living the convictions of their own consciences.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Journalists dole out cash to politicians (quietly)
MSNBC published the above article about journalists who donate to particular candidates. I find this to be a NON-issue. The reason being that journalists are under editorial review. It does not matter what political views a journalist holds because the editor ultimately has final say. I am more concerned about where the heads of the news corporations are sending their money. That is more revealing about a news agency's political bent than where their journalists donate. For example, we all know that the Fox News staff donate to Republican candidates and causes. I do not really care. What matters to me is how much Rupert Murdoch is donating to the Republicans and being certain that all of it is properly documented.
When Will Amusement Parks Get A Clue?
Why are amusement parks still getting away with negligence and not being held accountable when a person is injured or dies because of a defect in their ride or the carelessness of their staff? I find it appalling that regulations on rides that are moving at high rates of speed and creating high "G" forces are not more stringently regulated and monitored. The owners of these parks have proven time and again that they care more about getting our money than they do about our safety. It is time to demand accountability. It is time to create heavy penalties for companies who do not properly maintain, construct, and manage their rides.