The New Yorker published one of the most offensive covers in their history today. They call it satire, but no matter what the article behind the cover has to say, nor what the magazine's staff has to say about the cover, it will be used by those supporting John McCain to defame Mr. Obama. It will spread like wildfire through email and blogs and only do damage to Mr. Obama no matter what anyone says about it. I completely agree with the following response to Elizabeth Snead's post about the cover in her blog - "The Dish Rag":
Posted by: nilda | July 14, 2008 at 11:32 AM
I'll be waiting for their cover with McCain up on the cross for how he uses his fake Christianity and his time as a POW to score political points.
Or their cover with Bush dressed up as a sadistic priest from the Spanish Inquisition, using his self-righteous brand of Christianity to legitimize torturing people.
Or Lieberman in a skull cap with curly sideburns and a machine gun blazing away like Rambo in the deserts of Palestine.
Oh wait... those things are offensive to white people.
They have no place on the covers of major magazines in America.
That space in America is reserved for mocking people who happen to be the same color as Black Panthers and Arab militants.
America's racist double standard on display for all the world to see.
Congrats New Yorker.
---end post---
Well said, nilda. You can bet that we will never see the likes of McCain on the cross on the cover of the New Yorker or any other magazine in America. America's racist double standard lives on.
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