Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Where Are The Blue Skies?

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A few days ago, I mentioned to my wife that I haven't seen a blue sky this summer. It's been all haze and humidity. Just a fluke in the weather? Possibly, but I don't think so. The past 4 summers have be been notably hotter and certainly more humid. Central Pennsylvania is beginning to feel like a Rain Forest - minus the rain. So, what's up? Are we having a reverse "El Nino" effect? The evidence suggests not. The summers are becoming increasingly hotter and more humid. Record high temperatures are combined with skies that are covered with a grey/white haze that lingers from dawn until dusk. Even the thunderstorms that used to clear away the humidity and be followed by clear skies no longer bring relief. (See the above photo for an idea of what our skies looked like 5 years ago.)

My guess as to the cause of this unbearable heatwave? I think the EPA has been told to lay off polluters - plain and simple. Asthma attacks are increasing at an alarming rate. The need for portable oxygen tanks among the elderly has skyrocketed. Chronic sinus and bronchial problems have also risen dramatically. This is enough evidence for me that something is amiss in the atmosphere, but I want some hard evidence. The only way I know to collect such evidence is to do an air quality study. Normally, I would complain to local officials and attempt to get them to sanction such a study. However, I do not trust any government entity to provide truthful information about most things, especially if the truth would implicate big business or government itself. I am, therefore, looking into the costs of having an air quality study done at my own expense. I really have no idea what it will cost, but I suspect that I will need to convince some friends to help with the expenses. If I am able to have the study done, you can be certain that the results will be posted here. Wish me luck!

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