Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Fall of Professional Sports - MLB- Pine tar feud still simmering

I don't know what most other folks think, but I believe that professional sports are in a general decline. When hockey cannot survive without fights and baseball cannot thrive without pine tar, the games do not deserve our attention. Do we need new policing agencies to check all equipment and run drug tests before each and every game? Should we have the little boys hand over their gloves before they go on the field, so "daddy" can make sure they aren't doing anything naughty. It has become ludicrous to assume that men being paid MILLIONS of dollars a year will play by the rules. The money is such a "turn off" for me that I have not watched professional baseball nor football in years. With all the steroids, mult-million dollar contracts, unprofessional behavior on the field, etc., I would rather just watch a good movie. I've become so cynical as to think that the Boston Red Sox winning the Series again was another "setup," - just an attempt to bring back baseball's "Glory Days." I pray that's not true, but it's difficult for me to believe in the magic of it all when corporations control state legislatures and city councils so they can build huge stadiums at taxpayer expense.

Perhaps the decline in popularity of professional sports will be good for this country. We might begin to participate in other activities that are more beneficial to our own well being. Instead of purchasing tickets to professional sports events, maybe we will get ourselves a membership at the local gym, buy a bicycle, or take up some other sport. One can always hope.

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