Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Hey, Sleepwalkers, your president authorized torture!

Well, I hope you Rethuglicans and other NeoCons are happy with yourselves. Your president authorized the use of torture on prisoners of war (many of them boys under the age 18). And his FBI that is investigating the matter has attempted to cover it up. Add to this the election fraud, false pretenses for war, keeping a Secretary of Defense who could not care less for our men and women in uniform, giving incentives to corporations to ship high-tech jobs out of the country, et cetera, and you have quite the leader on your hands. So, let's just throw a party for all those elections officials who were paid off to install voting machines which could be hacked and would provide no paper record of the vote. Let's give a loud "Hooray!" for those in the FBI, CIA and Pentagon who "play ball," making certain that the plans of this administration are carried out and covered up. You all are real heroes. I can only hope you get what you deserve.

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