Saturday, October 30, 2004

Getting Personal

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Hi All,

It's been a very long time since my last post. I'm not sure that matters since I cannot be certain that anyone except me reads this Blog. On the chance that there are others out there reading what I write, you have undoubtedly noticed the rather political tone of my previous posts. Well, despite the fact that the elections are days away, I have decided to make a sharp deviation from my previous path and begin discussing my own person. Although I am not at all certain that anyone will be interested in knowing the things that I will be sharing, I feel that it is important for my family, friends and myself that I document the experiences of my life so that we all can perhaps better understand who I am and the relationships we share. Ok, now where to begin...

Well, perhaps I should explain why I have decided to venture down this path of self exploration. Here is how it began. Just hours ago I began thinking about when I worked for Sprint - yes, the telecommunications company. Although I was dismissed from my position there (more about that later), I have mostly fond memories of the people and the work that I did for the company. This reminiscing led to the remembrance of a major project that began when I was there - the building of the current Sprint World Headquarters in Overland Park, Kansas. Well, one thought led to another and eventually I decided that it would be nice to try to get back in contact with some of the people with whom I had worked. Unfortunately, due to a condition I have called "hydrocephalus," I cannot remember most of the names of former friends and co-workers. This makes it rather difficult to contact any of them. 8-)

From this realization came the decision that perhaps I should just put some information about myself out there on the web where someone who might be as curious about me as I am about them could do a search and perhaps find my blog and contact information... and hopefully contact me. Then it occurred to me that most people I have worked with throughout my life have no idea of my condition since I learned of it only months after being dismissed from the company. Anyway, since I don't have addresses, neither email nor postal, for most of these good folks, I have decided to post some information about myself on the web to make it easier for them to find me.

oooo, geez, this post is getting long... ok, well, I'll post more today after getting some sleep. Take life "Head On."

Lon Diffenderfer
(formatting my email address that way
to help keep the spammers away)

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