Friday, October 27, 2006

Limbaugh & Lauer - Twin Boneheads

Limbaugh & Lauer – 2 Boneheads in the Same Can

Is NBC trying to groom Lauer as some kind of serious conservative pundit? Now, that’s laughable. The man is not believable unless he is goofing off on camera. He needs to stick to the fluff of morning TV. And what was this comment about Limbaugh’s attack on Michael J. Fox?? “Didn’t Rush Limbaugh just say what a lot of people were privately thinking?” So, Lauer also thinks Fox was faking? This whole thing is going beyond ridiculous. Apparently, idiots like Limbaugh and Lauer think that people with Parkinson’s only have quick pulsating tremors like those evidenced in Katherine Hepburn’s case. These morons need to become educated on the disease before opening their mouths.

As for Limbaugh and his Exorbitant Incompetent Bovines network, they should be permanently put to pasture. Limbaugh has no credibility – at least not with intelligent people who weigh what others say against the facts. Perhaps that explains Rush’s audience – they do not want to put their minds to work.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


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This is the greatest tragedy of George W. Bush's "War on Terror." -me

I very strongly urge you to visit this link to the 60 Minutes piece done by Scott Pelley. For the first time that I am aware, a prominent American TV journalist has documented the horror of Darfur. I ask the question in the title of when we will act as a nation to stop the murderous Sudan government from completing its quest to eliminate all non-Arabs in that country. As yet, there is no answer to that question. However, Mr. Pelley finds the answer to "why" we have not acted to stop the Sudanese. It is because this administration is in bed with the very people who began this genocide in Darfur. Hard to believe? - not when you know the facts. The leaders of Sudan are providing piecemeal information to our government about Al Quaeda and supposedly Osama bin Laden. Apparently, the Sudanese were hiding Mr. bin Laden previous to the 9/11 attacks in New York. So, now - in order to stay alive and in power - those who protected bin Laden are ratting him out. The problem is that we still do not have Mr. bin Laden and hundreds of thousands lay dead at the hands of the Sudanese because our government refuses to act. How many innocent people have to die for the sake of the Bush & Co. drive for more power? Six figures does not seem to have reached the mark. Mr. Bush must want to be the "million body man."