Wednesday, December 31, 2003

t r u t h o u t - Ray McGovern | Hijacking "Him'' for Empire

This article pretty much sums up my opinion about the current use of Christianity and the title of "Christian" by the president and his administration. Jesus lived during one of the most oppressive regimes in history and never, NOT ONE TIME, did he urge his followers to rise up in arms against their oppressors. Militant Chrisitians use a handful of verses as their basis for their philosophy. They cannot use the words of Jesus, because Jesus never supported militarism or violence.

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

MSNBC - Special counsel to investigate leak of CIA agent’s identity

Now that they have had time to completely coverup the traitor, the Party General, I mean Attorney General Ashcroft is taking himself out of the picture. How quaint, how disgustingly corrupt; what a farce he has created in the office of Attorney General of the United States of America. He tap dances around every issue of accountability. He sings his song that mocks justice and laughs at the liberties of the American people. And yet, you sleep as creeps into your bedroom and searches through your dresser, your wallets, your email... Your right to free speech is under attack and yet, you sleep. You are allowing the new KGB to come into power.

As Joseph Stalin once said, "Ideas are more powerful than guns. We don't allow our enemies to have guns, why should we allow them to have ideas?" The thought police are alive an thriving thanks to you. The CIA hires a former KGB chief as a top consultant, and you do not even say, "boo." You deserve what is coming. And it is coming. Just as sure as you breath, the end of liberty is coming.

Another Stalin quote for you.

"Death solves all problems - no man, no problem."

Sleep well.

Monday, December 29, 2003

t r u t h o u t - Parts of Patriot Act II Signed Behind Media Smokescreen

Be frightened. Be very very frightened. Why? Let's suppose you donate money to an organization that will be running ads opposing the president's policies. Let's suppose that someone in that organization makes a statement that the FBI considers to be a threat. Haven't figured it out yet? The FBI investigates all of the organization's members and contributors. You are one of the contributors. Now, ALL of your financial records, anything that you buy, lease, sell, trade will be in your own personal FBI file. I'm sure that I have such a file, simply because I have this blog. What's worse is that the FBI doesn't even need probable cause to investigate me. When they investigate and obtain my financial records from practically any business (banking or otherwise), the businesses from whom they obtain information are forbidden, by law, to disclose to me that my records have been released. You read right. STOP SLEEPING, AMERICA! By the time you wake up, we will be the United Peoples Republik of Amerika! One Party, One State, No Liberty!

Sunday, December 28, 2003

What Is A Lie?

I saw an interesting debate in a chatroom the other evening that got me thinking about how we define truth. The debate involved President Bush's State of the Union address from early this year. As we all know, it contained British Intelligence information on the supposed request from Iraq to purchase enriched Uranium from Algeria. This information has since been discounted as not reliable at very best. The Bushite was saying that since President Bush stated that British Intelligence had collected the information, that it was not a lie, since at the time the British were sticking by their report. However, the president had been briefed well before the speech that the "information" concerning Algeria was not reliable nor verifiable. The president used it anyway. Is this lying? To me, it is definitely a lie. When your own intelligence officials discount information from another source, the source you should trust is the one from your own team. The Bushite can get into the meaning of a lie, but to me this is no better than questioning the meaning of the word "is." Time to wake up, America. The Republicans in Congress screamed daily that they wanted accountability from President Clinton. Where are those Republicans now? Where is their desire for accountability from this president. I think the answer is quite obvious. There is no desire for accountability from the Republicans in Congress. There was only a desire to destroy a president and now only a desire to hide the truth about a president. There is a conservative group that is looking for the truth about this administration.

Go here:

I wish that this group would also be concerned about the documents that President Bush put under wraps as Governor of Texas and also the information in the report from the 9/11 Commission. We need to have full disclosure on all of these things, not just the Cheney Power Club.

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

Qaddafi Does a Deal

Qaddafi Does a Deal - Handle things right, and this could be just the start of welcome fallout from Operation Iraqi Freedom. By Christopher Hitchens

What a ridiculous rant the above referenced article is. Mr. Hitchens correctly points out that there have been several seemingly positive moves from other half-cocked regimes like that of Qaddafi. However, he then makes the giant leap that we are safer now than we were on Sept. 11, 2001. Why and how are we safer. On 9/11 Bush had our fighter pilots standing down. Before 9/11, the Bush administration had cut anti-terrorism spending for the CIA, and had pushed the agents most knowledgeable of Al-Quaeda out of the CIA. We're safer now? That's absurd. Mr. Hitchens needs to do some reading on the connections between the Bin Ladens, the Saudi Royals and the Bush family.

This crackdown in Afghanistan and Iraq will do nothing but create more cells of these wackos elsewhere in the world. What are we going to do next? Police all of Africa? Right. What bull. Yes, Mr. Hitchens, we all know that the next plane to go down could be the one with us on it, but that is a price that we pay for this little insignificant thing we call freedom. In fact, if we would spend as much money and time developing new energy sources as we do in building up dictators like Saddam, we would not need to be hopping around the world after these idiots and worrying so much about where they might strike next. Instead, we could be protecting our own borders, saving the lives of American soldiers and be creating wealth for every citizen of this country.

If Bush's numbers aren't holding up at election time, don't be surprised if we have a brand new war with some other little Hitler. The goal here is:

One party. Maintain control of the government, information flow and movement of the citizenry. Sound familiar? Better start learning how to march without bending your arms and legs.

Oh, and I don't know about Howard Dean, but Senator John Kerry did say he would have done differently and has very clearly explained how and why.

By the way, Mr. Hitchens, I hear they have some pretty good drugs on the market for sleepwalkers.

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Welcome to the United States of Amerika - Security raised in cities, airports, trains - Dec. 23, 2003

Yes. That's right. Anti-aircraft missles deployed in the nations capital and New York City; next, tanks rolling down Broadway and police in riot gear talking through bullhorns, telling you to stay off the streets because it's after curfew. You think I'm nuts? Nope. I'm just awake. You're still sleeping. You're walking around in a dream of "what America is supposed to be." You did this. While sleeping, you allowed a president to take office, even though he was not elected. This president's administration told our Air Force fighters to stand down just before the planes began hitting the World Trade Towers. You elected members to Congress who do not even read what they sign and so passed the most egregious attacks on our civil liberties through legislation in our nation's history, the so-called Patriot Act.

But, look at our success in Afghanistan, right? As Sheldon Richmon puts it, "Governments define 'success' differently from the rest of us. Afghanistan is torn by conflict among rival warlords and their gangs, the country’s president has to be protected from assassins by American troops, and the terrorists have regrouped in 'our ally' Pakistan and elsewhere. But the strife is below the news media’s radar, so Afghanistan is a success." Please read Mr. Richmon's excellent article "Arrogance is Humility."

So, now, here we are... Saddam captured, no WMD found, no Osama, brave patriots dying needlessly in Iraq everyday, news blackouts that keep us from witnessing the continuing violence in Iraq, missles on the mall in Washington, Congress' blessing on the "Intellegence Community" to spy on non-criminal citizens ...

Welcome to the United States of Amerika.

Wednesday, December 17, 2003

Absolutely Ludicrous

Yahoo! News - Higher Oil Prices Blamed on Saddam
This is laughable. The Algerian Oil Minister is blaming the arrest of Saddam for higher oil prices.

Saddam's capture on Sunday "brought more uncertainty to the market," Khelil told Reuters. "The high current price is due to the geopolitical situation, including uncertainty after the arrest of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein."

So, the geopolitical situation was more certain while Saddam was out hiding in holes? Raaaahhhyyyt. Khelil must also deal in selling mink fur coats to tribes in the Sahara Desert. Oil dealers are all cut from the same cloth. The arrogance that it must take - to assume that we are so stupid as to believe that the capture of an expelled dictator is pushing up the price of oil - is astounding. By the way, as you'll find out from reading the article, this statement was made at President Bush's gathering of OPEC ministers concerning the production of liquified natural gas.

The solution to all of this is clear. This world needs to develop a source of energy that puts "Bush & Friends" out of business. Want to keep paying through the nose for energy and unnecessary wars? Re-elect Bush.

And So It Begins...

FBI to Expand Suspect Database
Wednesday, December 17
WASHINGTON, Dec 17, 2003 (United Press International via COMTEX) -- U.S. homeland security officials are considering adding the names of thousands of non-criminals to a national screening database, a report said Wednesday.
The proposal is part of a push by the Bush administration to more closely monitor foreigners since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the Washington Post said."

It has raised concerns among civil liberties advocates and law enforcement groups and it will bring police heavily into the business of apprehending immigration violators who have committed no serious crimes.

Spokesman Jorge Martinez stressed that the Justice Department has not yet made a decision on the plan, which would see the FBI's main fugitive database expanded to include the names of 140,000 immigrants who are deported each year for non-criminal reasons.

Meanwhile, the European Commission dropped its opposition to the U.S. demand for information on trans-Atlantic airline passengers, London's Financial Times said.

While concerned over privacy issues such as credit card information, an EC spokesman said Tuesday it could not deny an ally its fight against terrorism.

Copyright 2003 by United Press International.

911 For the Truth Petition

Please sign this if you care about the United States of America. If you believe that we have a right to know the truth about 9/11, then you must be willing to face whatever ugliness there is in that truth. Please explore these sites:

The site about Ms. Ellen Mariani's RICO suit against the Bush administration.
Alex Jones Independent News and Information Site
John Buchanan - Republican "Truth Candidate" for President
TruthOut.Com - Independent News and Opinion Online Magazine

Learn the truth now, before we become like so many other countries in the world where the only news you can get is what the government provides.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003 :: It's Time To Bust Bob Novak! -- Send the Letter

Mr. Ashcroft and company have had 5 months to find the leak who put CIA agent, Valerie Plame's life and career on the line and charge the man who published the leak, Robert Novak. It is a FEDERAL CRIME to do what Novak did. Why have charges not been filed? Why has Novak not been fired from his job? CNN is constantly called "liberal" by the Right Wing. If so, why is he still collecting a salary from them? I propose that there is NO SUCH THING as as a "liberal media" among the major television and radio broadcasters and even most major newspapers. In fact, the only place that you can find viewpoints and information other than what is "allowed" by this administration is here on the Internet. If you are at all concerned about the lack of a free press in the United States, please use the link above and demand that Robert Novak, a traitor, come clean or face charges. The time is now.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Think That Your Government Wouldn't Kill You To Start A War?

Northwoods Document

If you are a U.S. citizen, like me, you may think that your government would never even consider killing you or your loved ones for political purposes, as in, say, a plot to raise public ire toward a certain country. If that's the case, you had better think again. Please read the Northwoods Document. It was a plan to use the killing of Americans - civilians and soldiers - to justify a war with Cuba. Although the papers are public now, the majority of U.S. citizens are still unaware of the plan. There is evidence that similar plans have been developed since the Northwoods Document. Please visit the following sites if you think that the idea is far-fetched. I assure you that it is not.
PBS Special on John O'Neill's life
*Personal note: Although this is an excellent program (which you can watch online), it leaves out some pertinent information which you can find at the previous link

Don't blow this off as "whacko conspiracy theories." The facts are public knowledge and the timeline is not coincidence.

Saturday, December 06, 2003

Going RICO on the President...

Wow!! I don't even know how to begin this one. I have opposed many of the President's policies, but I never dreamed that he was so deeply tied to people, corporations and governments who have a long history of harming the citizens of the United States. You need to visit the associated link to discover why a widow of 9/11 is suing the President for willfully and knowingly allowing citizens of the United States and many other countries to be massacred on 9/11. You will be frightened as you dig deeper to discover the truth.

Monday, December 01, 2003

Jailbird Jackson

I hope that someone is going to finally put away that sick, perverted, psycho - Michael Jackson. Of course, the parents of the children who have been allowed to get near this predator should be locked up too. Jackson was able to pay off the last family for their asking price of $10,000,000 - the sordid jerks. Who cares about any future molested children? Just give us our 10mil and eveything will be honky-dorey. The parents of Jackson's latest victim may very well have used their child to set him up so that they could get their piece of the pie. They should definitely be put on trial for neglect and endangerment. The whole world knew what Jackson had been previously accused of and the price he paid to escape prosecution. How moronic or sadistic do you have to be to let your child near the guy after that?

Get Ready To RUMBLE!!!!

Well, this is it; the beginning of the end... no, the beginning of the beginning... whatever. I have no idea what all will end up here, but I can promise you that it will not be fluff, and it will be straightforward. For example, I find it to be completely amazing that the majority of the citizens of the United States were willing to put up with impeachment trials for a man who lied about having an affair but completely overlook a man lying about why he sent soldiers to war, what he knows about who leaked the name of an undercover CIA operative to Robert Novak. It's just astounding. Anyway, there will be more stuff like that to come, although it won't all be of a political nature. Hope you come back to check it out.